Chapter 5~The Godmother

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<~Jungkook's POV~>

I was scared as the flashing blue light grew closer, and the footsteps grew louder. Jimin never told me who we were meeting, and I could only wait to see. I never knew that Jimin was on my side after all that time. I admired him for running out, just to help me.

"Jimin!" A voice shouted out. A neatly dressed boy who looked royal stepped out from the shrubbery. He looked somewhat familiar, but I knew that someone like him was way above my league.

I shook the thought from my head. Jimin had a close relationship with him, he wouldn't mind me.

"Hello, Hoseok. Here's Jungkook." Jimin looked exhausted, making me feel almost guilty, but I knew that he had chosen to help me.

"Hey, he doesn't look too shabby! Nothing a fine suit can't fix!" Hoseok seemed friendly enough, so I relaxed to accept my fickle fate. "Come on, let's go to the castle and find you-"

But I never got to find out what exactly he was going to find me. There was a flash of white, some sparkles and a loud poof! A ghost like lady wearing a grand white gown descended upon us. Jimin stumbled back, but that was nothing compared to Hoseok. He screamed and fell backwards into a pile of leaves. Something didn't quite fit into place though. This lady... I felt like I should know her...

Then it clicked in my mind. This woman... Was my mother.

"Eomma!" I leapt into her arms. But I passed right through her. So she was a ghost...

I had tears filled to the brim in my eyes, threatening to spill out. Then I saw my mother, radiating love even when she wasn't with me, and I was strong again.

"My sweet Jungkookie, you have grown up well." She cupped my face in her hands, although she could not touch me. "I have come to help you prepare for the Ball. You will have the best and escape that Tramp."

Jimin stifled a laugh and I giggled at my mum's nerve. "Go ahead, mum. It's nice to see you after so long."

Hoseok barely recovered from his fall, and was staring at my mum uneasily.

"Is that... Pinkie Pie's human counterpart?" Hoseok asked, confused.

I hadn't laughed this hard since my mother died. Who knew he, a noble prince, was into My Little Pony?

Jimin doubled over, wheezing. "That's Jungkook's eomma, babo. Also his Fairy Godmother in this case." Just like that, his snarky self was back.

I barked with laughter, and saw my mum waving her wand. She was my Fairy Godmother...

"I will provide you with your suit!" As she said those words, my ragged clothes were replaced by a grand suit, fancier than Hoseok's. It even had a bowtie.

I was astounded. I had never worn something so rich, so fitting for someone noble.

"And for a dramatic entrance, a carriage." A pumpkin flew over, crashed into the ground and smoke enveloped it. The three of us started choking, and my mother's image was lost to the black gas.

When it cleared, a gilded alabaster carriage stood, gleaming in the light of the celestial bodies.

We stood, gaping while my mum looked pleased at her creation.

"One of my finest yet!" She declared. "I do suppose we need horses to pull the carriage..."

"Ma'am, the castle has plenty-" Hoseok was interrupted by a horrified look on her face.

"You expect my baby Kookie to ride to the Ball with pink and purple horses?!" She yelled. "I know your obsession with horses, young prince! And don't think I didn't hear your comments about Pinkie Pie's human counterpart! I'll show you what real horses look like!"

Jimin died laughing for the third time today, rolling around and clutching his tummy. Hoseok was taken aback and scared out of his wits. I, for one, felt happy and knew that I actually belonged somewhere.

My train of thought was disturbed by a few loud squeaks as five mice came soaring threw the air. Their image distorted as her magic began to effect them. Soon, four white stallions and a pink pony with a purple mane stood in front of us.

"Pink one's for you." My mum waved dismissively at Hoseok, who looked like he had too much candy. "And these magnificent horses will pull your carriage." As if confirming her statement, they galloped over as some branches turned into the reins.

"For the finishing touch, someone to drive the carriage." Mum waved her wand, and this time the flowers flourished as a fluffy dog came bounding towards us.

"I was going to use an insect, but I suppose a dog would be even better!" Poof! A man looking like a guard moved with alarming speed to the carriage and took control.

I was awed, and grateful for my mum's gifts. She was beaming back at me, and hugged me in a ghost way.

"My sweet Kookie, this should make up for all those years I didn't enjoy with you. I hope the princess will notice you and love you, so that you can escape that family. But now, I must leave you, as I can feel the magic fading." She smiled, and I knew that she had fulfilled her purpose and could leave in peace.

"Goodbye, Jungkookie."

"Bye, I love you eomma!"

Her ghostly image began to fade and eventually vanished in a shower of sparks. I would grant my fairy godmother her wish. I will escape that family.

I will become the king.

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