Chapter 11~Happy Endings

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<~Jimin's POV~>

Undeniably, I had been crying when my mother (who was also a man for some reason) and my step-brother both died. I always knew Jin had a heart, but I couldn't admit it to myself. I had forced myself to think that Jin was a horrible step-mother to Jungkook, all because of the silly little crush I had on him.

Now Jin was gone.

Yoongi rubbed circles into my back. "Are you okay?" He was genuinely worried, and I couldn't remember the last time some had felt worried about me.

A few days ago, if you had asked who I loved the most in the world, the answer would've been Jungkook. But things changed, and now that he's the king, I found someone else too.

Yoongi was the light to my world. When everything seemed to be in shadows, he'd come and light it up, making me laugh, showing me affection. With him, I felt as if I could do anything. I loved Yoongi as much as Jungkook loved the soon-to-be queen.

At first, I was afraid of moving on from Jungkook. I had been so sure that we were meant for each other. But it broke my heart that I was helping someone I loved to love someone else. Time passed, and I needed to move on. I didn't want to change so easily.

But sometimes, a change is for the better.

I couldn't live without Yoongi anymore. If he left, I would miss everything from his cuddles to his gummy smile. However, I still needed to tell Jungkook about this.

The guards had fixed up the castle surprisingly quickly, and now we sat together on a sofa, cuddling again.

"Are you going to tell him?" Yoongi asked, sensing what I was about to do. I nodded.

"Let me come with you. For moral support." There he went again with that adorable gummy smile. I kissed him on the cheek as a thank you.

Jungkook was talking to (Y/N), both blushing like mad. They were perfect for each other, and it would be better for all four of us if I got this off my chest quickly.

"Hi Jimin and Yoongi!" He greeted us as we neared. "How are you doing?" I shrugged in reply, while Yoongi muttered an 'okay'. The princess looked worn-out, although she still smiled at the familiar faces.

"Jungkook, you see..." I started then trailed off awkwardly. "I-I kinda used to have a crush on you." Silence fell over the four of us. 

"Well, I'm glad to see you found someone, Yoongi." (Y/N) spoke up first. "You were one of the first at the Ball to catch my eye, so I wished you would find someone suitable."

Jungkook broke into a smile. "Don't worry Jimin, it's fine. You have Yoongi now, and I have (Y/N) now. You guys are cute together, don't let me ruin your relationship."

"Thank you so much!" Yoongi and I chorused, sighing in relief.

"You're okay with me dating another boy?" I queried the princess. She laughed deviously.

"You'd be surprised by the amount of people that asked me that." She gestured to a group of boys that I thought were friends. Now, upon closer inspection, not very friend-like at all.

"Isn't that Jackson and Mark?" Jungkook doubled over. Yoongi started laughing too, being close friends with them.

"Yep, and remember that Jaebum guy?" The princess grinned.

"I couldn't forget him." Jungkook replied derisively.

"He's also with a guy now." We had all heard about how he had assaulted (Y/N) then apologised as he took off. "So, you ask me if I'm fine with you dating another boy? The examples I just gave is your answer."

Jungkella (Jungkook x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin