Chapter 6~Sudden Meetings

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<~Jimin's POV~>

I woke in my room at the castle, and felt a lump next to me. I saw Jungkook, cuddling with his pillow and smiled at the peaceful expression on his face. I recalled last night, how Jungkook's mother had appeared and prepared Jungkook for the Ball. Now I hoped that my family wouldn't come and ruin everything.

Taehyung and I had the same goal, which was to get Jungkook to the Ball, but why? Taehyung had connections with the princess, so would he have-? The thought was almost impossible, so I shook it away and listened to the deep breaths of Jungkook, filling the vast and quiet room.

"GO PINKIE PIE!" I heard Hoseok scream from the grounds. He was so playful, just like a little kid, but could be charming if he wanted to. I owed him so much. Everything was perfect now, princess (Y/N) just had to dance with Kookie, and he'll become the King.

But something wasn't right in my heart.

<~Jungkook's POV~>

I dashed through the forest, running from the wild creature chasing me. It let out a horrible screech that ripped my ears apart, and I stumbled on a root. I saw its shadow close in, so with terror clenching my heart I made one last effort to scramble to the castle. Everything became blurred until the monster caught up, but I felt warm arms holding me tight instead of slimy, cold scales. I looked up to see my mother, smiling like an angel. My heart was at peace once again as I rested in her warm arms.

"Leave before midnight." Everything felt cold once again as the familiar emotion of fear nestled upon me. Her image distorted, and I heard the monster's screams again.

"You can run, but you can't hide from me, Jungkella."

The monster spoke with Jin's voice, and it felt like icicles were digging into my heart. My breaths were becoming ragged, as if a cold hand was clutching my lungs, cutting off air.

As the monster descended upon me, I closed my eyes while I whispered goodbye to everyone I loved.

I felt strong, muscular arms holding me tightly. "Wake up, Jungkookie!" An urgent, familiar voice travelled to me ears. Everything was blurry when I opened my eyes, and I hugged something soft.

"Are you alright?" It cleared and I saw that it was Jimin, looking down at me worriedly.

"Hyung... Nightmares... Monster chased me through the forest-" I hiccuped and nestled in his arms.

"It's okay now, I'm here for you," he soothed me. I trembled as the nightmare sent shivers down my spine. "Chim Chim is here for you." After a while, I began to calm down as Jimin kept patting me.

"I'm in your bed..." I realised in shock. Jimin only smiled and told me not to worry.

"You can stay in this room if you want, because Hoseok's bringing food for us." Jimin whispered. "Bit awkward for the princess to have two boys that she doesn't know show up at breakfast and greet her like they were bosom buddies."

And, just like that, any trace of doubt I had about Jimin flew out the window.

<~(Y/N's POV)~>
Hoseok was strangely subdued at breakfast today, and shifted a lot in his seat. I wasn't the only who notice though.

"Is everything alright, Hoseok?" My mum spoke up. "You seem uncomfortable."

Hoseok looked up, startled, and I noticed a big bulge in his pocket. "Everything's fine, eomma. Just nervous for the Ball." He then giggled.

"Well, you can talk to us if anything's wrong." Father relaxed. "You're leaving the castle in a week, after all."

There were murmurs of consent around the table. Something didn't seem right to me about that statement though...

"Wait," I spoke up for the first time today. "Did you say a week?"

That couldn't be right! Hoseok wasn't leaving until 2 months after the Ball!

However, father cleared his throat. "Yes, honey. Some changes were made and your brother is leaving a few weeks earlier than expected."

"But-" But he won't be here for my birthday! I shuddered violently, and I felt tears coming.

Hoseok put an arm around my shoulder, and then hugged me full on, patting me on the back while I sobbed. My parents watched on with sober faces, but I had one place of comfort I mind. The treehouse.

I quickly stood up, wiped my tears, and dismissed myself from the table. As I made my way towards the door, I had calls as well as chairs screeching on the floor as they chased after me.

I ran outside as fast as I could. Turning, I hope that they didn't bother to follow me further. But that's when I saw two figures in the top left bedroom. 'Did they change a location to make me confused?' I shook the thought away and kept on running, turning back occasionally to see that one of them had drawn the curtain across.

It was a boy I had never seen before.

I stopped running and examined the boy, who was taking in his surroundings until he spotted me. We stood there, gaping at each other in shock. 'Who was he, and what was he doing in the castle?' I shot him one last glance, then I saw him come to his senses enough for him to draw the curtain across, blocking my view. The boy would wait until later, the treehouse came first.

<~Taehyung's POV~>

As far as I knew, everything was messed up. Jin was okay (expected) while my brother and Jungkook were probably safely tucked away at the castle. I was on my way to the treehouse, when I heard some distinct sniffles. That makes the princess messed up too.

And I had never been right the second I was born.

So the only thing I could do was to make things better for the princess at the very least. I found her an emotional wreck, collapsed on the floor. When she saw me, I was nearly thrown out of the treehouse.

"TAETAE!" She hugged me tightly, weeping onto my shoulder. I patted her soothingly until I felt that it was safe to ask her what happened.

"What's wrong, my dear?" My tone was gentle. "Who made you so depressed?"

After a couple more sniffs, I feared I had gotten the time wrong and the question only made her feel worse.

"They're letting Hoseok go..." She whispered. "In a week instead of 2 months, and he'll miss my birthday. The last one we were going to have together..." That must've been rough for her, but it was nothing compared to the problems I had. The love and respect I felt for her slightly diminished, but I knew it was somewhere else even before today.

"I'm sorry to hear that, I can celebrate it with you." I quickly added: "If you do say so."

Cuddling up to me, she smiled a yes and we stayed like that until we heard the footsteps coming our way.

"(Y/N)!" A worried voice called out. "Where are you? (Y/N)!"

We stayed, tense, until I saw someone clambering up the stairs.

"There you are-" A boy, around my age, appeared in the doorway, and froze at the sight of us.

"Who are-" He began, but (Y/N) sat up to face him defiantly.

"Oh, Hoseok, he's my friend." She spoke with dignity. "Kim Taehyung, and we meet up here. Taehyung, that's my brother, Hoseok." She slunk into a corner after the introduction, watching us.

My heart was pounding non-stop. 'It couldn't be...' That's when a certain half-brother vanished out of my heart and was replaced by this golden prince. I did the first I thought of, even though it scared me half to death: I jumped out of the treehouse, trying to wipe away the image of a boy I knew I would never forget.

(A/N: Writer's block. Sorry if you expected more, I'll make it better next chapter ;-;)

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