Chapter 4~The Escape

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<~Jungkook's POV~>

I hate being a maid for my step family.

I barely got time to prepare my own costume, which I got started on right after I finished my brothers'. Right now I was sewing away like mad, trying to make myself look my best in front of the princess tomorrow.

The door opened and closed, revealing Taehyung. He looked flushed, and he was looking around for someone. Probably Jimin. I wondered whether or not I should let him know I finished his suit, but before I could reach a decision he started walking towards me. What did I do now?

"Where's Jin?" I was surprised that Taehyung called her by her name.

"She might be in her room." I said shortly.

"Listen, you know Jin doesn't want you to go to the Ball right?" Taehyung suddenly burst out.

'Doesn't want me... To go to the Ball?' Why? I'd never had much joy in my life, and this one time something good happens she immediately wants to deprive me of this opportunity. What was wrong with her?

"Do you want to go to the Ball?" Taehyung looked directly at me.

"Yes, I do, but I can't!" I angrily set my pin down and huffed. Life couldn't get much worse.

"I've been seeing someone, and I think she can get you into the castle." His voice was smooth, like perfectly spread peanut butter.

Kim Taehyung wanted to help me?

''Why are you helping me all of a sudden?'' I couldn't help it.

He patted my shoulder as Jimin shouted from the back of the house.

''All in good time, Jungkook, all in good time.'' Then he rushed off to Jimin.

What was up with those two? First they've done nothing but bother me, and now they both start acting the opposite of what they used to be. I sighed as I went over to scrub the shelves but, to my surprise, they were already spick and speck.

''Strange...'' I muttered to myself. ''I don't remember cleaning them.'' I didn't get time to register anything as Jin screamed at me to ''Get chopping!'' For dinner.

"I hope I chop your head off one day..." I viciously sliced the carrots. "Is she disabled? Could she not move a single limb to help out?"

With my angry thoughts in mind, swirling like a hurricane, I had finished cooking before I had realised it. As I called everyone to dinner, I noticed that both Taehyung and Jimin were flushed and had inconspicuous scratches. I didn't care much for them, so I bent my head and began to eat. Jin didn't even notice, being the pompous tramp she was.

At the dinner table, we were all silent, apart from the occasional clattering of silverware against glass. When we had all finished, Taehyung spoke.

"Eomma.. I know something that I think you should know too." Jimin's eyes widened, followed with a kick to Taehyung that was extremely obvious.

"Yes, Taehyung dear?"

Taehyung glanced at Jimin with eyes that said 'sorry'.

"Jimin intends to get Jungko-kella into the castle tomorrow." Jimin kicked the table leg, mouth opened wide.

"Eomma, I would-never has someone suggested-how could he...!" Jimin was at a complete loss of words, and my mouth dropped open, matching his. Jimin wanted to get me into the castle?

"Taehyung, do you have evidence? You can't randomly accuse him." Jin wasn't paying much attention at all.

"Jimin was making a phone call to someone within the castle, and he mentioned Jungkella and the Ball." Taehyung wasn't lying, I could see through his eyes, which meant he actually overheard a conversation.

I was in a state of shock. Jimin wanting to help me. Taehyung wanting to help me. Me not going to the Ball. Taehyung selling Jimin out. Everything that happened today was ironic, considering my past.

"Very well, Jimin you can accompany Jungkella at home tomorrow." Jin waved him off dismissively. "Taehyung will surely catch the princess' eye. They know each other already anyways." Noticing Taehyung's shocked face, she went on to explain nonchalantly. "Oh, don't think I don't know about your activities. I'm not an airhead, as you seem to think."

Well, I guess you do learn something new everyday.

<~Jimin's POV~>

I'm screwed. Taehyung sold me out, and now I can't go to the Ball. Which meant I would have to leave with Jungkook earlier than I had planned with Hoseok. Tonight.

I grabbed Jungkook when Jin and Taehyung weren't paying too much attention, and made a dash for it, screaming out, "See you at the Ball!"

The house erupted with screams as we dashed down the street, towards the forest near the castle. I fumbled to open my phone and call Hoseok. I could hear Taehyung and Jin's shouts as we continued to run.


"Got it!" I continued rushing, tugging Jungkook along.

"RUN FASTER! " I  barked.

Together we ran until we were out of their vision. The black forest loomed in front of us, despite all the colourful nature inside. A blue light flickered inside, meaning that Hoseok was already there. My heart pounded as I pushed Jungkook, who looked like a scared bunny into the forest.

"Hyung, come with me!"

I hesitated, knowing that I should go back. But a tearing emotion clawed its way foward at the sight of Jungkook's pleading. I threw back my doubts and rushed in with him, swearing that I would protect this bunny.

<~Jungkook's POV~>

I didn't know why, but I knew Jimin had to come with me. However, I was bursting open with questions for him.

"Why do you want to help me all of a sudden?" I panted as our feet pounded on the path covered with dead leaves.

Jimin cast a glance at me as he answered. "I've been helping you all these years. Haven't you noticed? I've done some of your chores for you. I scrubbed the shelves today."

That was why I sometimes found my jobs already done, even though I hadn't done them.

"You were the one who helped me all these years?"

"Questions later, we're nearly there."

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