Confessions, Rejections and Korea

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"There you are  Mary, Wendy, and her friends just got here. Why don't you go say hello? " Mama Tuan smiled at me before joining the rest of the party. Guess she couldn't smell my heartbreak. I took a deep breath and walked over. My heart was racing out of my chest while my mind told me to make act sick and go home. But as kind as Mark's family was, they would probably make me tea and have me sleep in Mark's room.

The closer I got, the more I noticed how happy Mark looked standing next to Wendy. I wanted to smack her right into the pool. Don't get me wrong. Wendy was a nice girl she was just pretty... too pretty. She went through puberty the same time I did. While I was left with a solid B cup, Wendy was blessed with a solid C cup, maybe even a D. What made it worse was she was smart.  Top of the class smart. 

Everyone loved her, and I'm guessing Mark did, too. It might explain why he was cheesing like the damn cat from Alice and Wonderland. It was taking everything in me not to smack him. I took a deep breath but became even more disturbed when I noticed Mark's hand slide from around Wendy's arms to her waist. My heart died at that exact moment. I turned to run, but before I could reach the door. My face met with a water balloon."Ha ha, Gotcha!"

"Joey,"! Mama Tuan handed me a towel. I was actually kinda thankful to Joey. Maybe the water could hide my tears.

"Are you okay?" I looked up to see not Mark, but the one and only Wendy.

"Yeah, I'm good." She smiled at me, and I instantly knew I was F**Ked. Even her smile was nice.

The rest of the night was pretty relaxed. I held my tears back for the rest of the night. Mark left me for Wendy. Even Joey chased her instead of me. I was left helping Mama Tuan with the food. It wasn't until nine that things died down and Papa Tuan decided to make a toast.

"Attention, Attention, please. I and my family would like to thank you for coming to our barbecue. It means a lot to spend this time with family and friends. Sadly enough, this is our oldest son Mark's last barbeque. " Wait, what~" Everyone was left speechless and confused. "Our son will be heading to Korea to be a trainee with JYP Entertainment. Even though we won't get to see him for a long time, I want him to know We and his girlfriend Wendy. " Girlfriend? "We love you. Safe travels, son. Cheers!."

"Cheers!" Everyone drank what little was left in their cups, but, I had to escape. Tears were welling up, and I'd be damn if I let him see me cry. I ran upstairs, grabbed the cordless phone avoiding everyone, and locked myself away in his room. I dialed the first number I could think of. Mom. I dialed her number and put it on speaker.


"You're not Mom." I grabbed my clothes to change.

"No, this is JaeWon. JaeNim's son said, " Oh shit. I forgot Mom had started dating again.

"Oh, is my mom there, I really need her to pick me up.

"She's kind of busy with my dad right now"

" Well, can you tell her when she gets a chance?" I choked on my tears. "To come pick me up, actually, could you just meet me?" I gave him the address.


"Thanks."I hung up and changed when I walked out. I was met with Mark's fist about to slam into my face.

"Are you okay?"

"Im fine."I walked past him.

"You're lying. You're obviously not alright. " He grabbed my arm. I pulled away.

"I said I'm fine. I just wanna go home."

"Why?"He asked, annoyed like I had ruined his night

"I'm tired,"

"You can spend the night with me. We need to talk anyway."Oh, how I wish it was a good talk.

"Mark, I just wanna go home." I hung my head low. 

"Fine, but not before we talk. Wait here." Mark took my bag from my hands and closed the door before I could say anything. I leaned against the wall, thinking how badly I really needed that bag. After fifteen minutes of waiting, I picked myself up and headed downstairs. As I reached outside, I felt a pair of arms grab me. "I told you to wait." I looked at Mark, who I could tell was pissed. I sighed.


"I was gonna tell you." What?

"I just didn't know how to tell you about Korea without you being mad at me." Mad

"Mad you thought I'd be mad at you. Why would I be mad because my best friend didn't have the balls to tell me he was flying halfway across the world? That he was joining some boy band oh wait or that he had a secret girlfriend. Why would I be mad - "

"Because you like him." We turned to see Mark's whole family standing there watching the argument along with Wendy, who had a smirk across her lips. I couldn't take it anymore. I was about to break. "Why don't we all just go inside and let the kids talk?" Mama Tuan tried to avoid the awkwardness of it all. Everyone turned to go inside but me and Mark.

Me, I was done. I grabbed my bag out of Mark's hands and shook my head. "I can't." I slowly backed away.  I just couldn't do it anymore. So I walked off forever. 

Pool Party shenanigans Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang