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Tagged by TheNerd_Dreamer

1. Do You Watch KDramas?

But of Course. I'm currently addicted to Doctor's Crush(so glad they saved JiSoo)

2. What nickname does your family call you

On my mom's side I've been chiquita banana literally since birth. My dad's side they call me apple head:)

3. Last song you heard?

I hate you by 4minute

4.Full Name?

Tatyana. That's all you gettin folks.


Does Mark, Taemin and Jb count.

6.Last time You cried?

When I saw a pic of Mark of Got7's abs. He is too perfect.

7. What's Your race?

Half Jamaican/African american 

8. Something you always miss?

Dream night and As told by ginger loved those shows and still do.

9.Why did you make this account.

Was looking for a place I could write online and came across this site. Started reading a Jb fanfic and fell in love. So I decided to make an account and share my stories.


Writing. That's all I got lml

11. 3 things you hate

Fake people

rude people

when you're trying to read one of your favorite fanfics but wattpad starts acting up:P

12. Bias wrecker?

Tie between Mark and Jb they wreck each other.

13. Smart or nah?


14. Worst vine ever?

The Damn Daniel vines. I just couldn't take it anymore.

15. Favorite singer?(This one is a tuffy)

Gotta go with crush. He is seriously bae when he sings

I choose





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