The Next Morning/Brand New-ish and Childhood nicknames suck!

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"Kids breakfast is ready." Woke me from my slumber. I groaned as  I  stretched my tree branch limbs. Out of the corner of my eye, something caught my attention. I looked towards Grace and Tammy's computer chair and saw a familiar looking hoodie. I rose out of bed, walked over, and picked it up. It still felt warm and, for some strange reason, gave off a familiar smell. Before I could Jog my memory, "Mary come down time for breakfast."

I placed the sweater and walked downstairs to the dining room table. "Oh, morning Mary."Papa Tuan greeted as I took a seat next to Jackson, who gave me the stank eye. This kid was seriously creeping me out. "Morning." I smiled shyly.

"Did you sleep well, sweetie?" Mama Tuan asked as she placed a few pieces of bacon on my plate.

"Yes, mam, I did,"

"That's good, dear."She smiled as she fixed the boys' plates. "I was thinking you could come to the salon with me we could get our annual touch ups like old times" I smiled,nodding remembering all the times Mama Tuan used to meet me and my mom with Grace and tammy for a girls day. We would spend the day doing what girls do, I guess. We got our nails done a little shopping and would get our hair touched up, I was an only child, so I always looked forward to hanging out with the Tuan sisters.Lost in thought, I hadn't noticed the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Oh, Hyung, good morning."YoungJae greeted as everyone looked up from their plates. I turned to see no other than Mark. He smiled as he said "good morning" to everyone as he looked across the room our eyes met, and for a second, he seemed surprised. While my heart was doing thirty a minute. I quickly looked  away, slouching in my chair.

"Come and sit down hun"Mamma Tuan placed his plate down right next to mine. I prayed to heavens he would switch seats with someone. ANYONE! He hesitated to pull out his chair. I took a deep breath and prepared myself for the awkwardness. "Morning."

"Morning,"I smiled weakly. "Now that little cocks here let's eat,"Papa Tuan said causing us all to laugh except Mark. He always hated that  nickname. Whenever Papa Tuan would pick us up from hanging out with our friends he would always yell out "Little Cock, Mary. It's time to go.

 I giggled thinking how Red his face would get I still remember the time Papa Tuan tried to MC my sweet sixteen. It was time to cut the cake, our families thought it would be cute if we did it together. So they pushed Mark next to me. As Mark held my hand the oo's and Awes filled the room. If we weren't embarrassed enough.In typical Papa Tuan fashion, "Mary will be joined by little Cock in the cutting of the cake" everyone laughed as Mark grunted his face in embarrassment 

"Don't they make a cute couple everyone. Like a little bride and groom. " I swear that was one of the most hilarious/ embarrassing moments of my life.

As I slowly came back to reality, a familiar smell came across my nose, that strong cologne that my nose hat met earlier. Jolting my memory as I touched my lips in horror. My head shot up to see Mark's muscles flex as he reached over for a piece of toast....Lord help me!

Later That Day

"Come on, Mary, it's time to go!" Mamma Tuan yelled from downstairs.

"Coming." I answered as I fluffed my hair and took a once over at my outfit. I decided that since it was so freaking hot, I would wear a sleeveless, white button-up shirt with denim shorts. For some reason, I was disappointed Mabey I should change my hair

"Mary, hurry or we'll miss our appointment." That was my cue I grabbed my bag and exited the bathroom to be greeted by little cock who by judging by the towel around his neck was on his way to take a shower. We looked at each other in shock as Mark went to open his mouth "Mary"! 

"Coming" saved by Mama Tuan. I rushed downstairs and hopped in the car. I buckled my seat belt, getting ready for the ride, but nothing. I turned to Mamma Tuan "So What did he say"...

We reached the salon just in time for our appointment. As we entered everything was chaotic apparently a bridal party had come in for emergency highlights and there was one chair left so I let Mamma Tuan go first. I took a seat in the front and picked up a Magazine. "Excuse me. I don't mean to bother you, but I couldn't help but notice how much you in your mother look alike.

"Oh no, shes not my mom" I would be lying if I said this hadn't happened before. My parents were always busy with work so I always stayed with the Tunas. Mamma Tuan being like a second mother took me everywhere once in a while I would slip up and call her mamma instead of auntie. It never once bothered her she would just smile and say "Its okay dear" and give me a hug. I missed those days.

After getting through half my magazine it was my turn. I headed over and took a seat next to Mamma Tuan, who was almost done. "Do you know what style you want"

"Not yet" I shook my head "I just know I want something diffrent"

"Wait that voice sounds familar" I turned around to see no other than Ms.Annalesse. She used to style my hair when I was a kid. I was supprised she still worked here. She stared hard studying my face. "Mary, little Mary Berry. Is that you"? I nodded embaressed she still rembered my childhood nickname. "Look at you!" She hugged me. "I havent seen you since you were in high school. How have you been swetie"

"Good. I just finished up a semester of college so im freee for the summer"

"Thats great and oh I see your here with Mamma Tuan. Just like the good old days or is it mother in law now" My eyes shot open wide.

"Not yet, but I hope she will soon"Mamma Tuan smiled "Maybe even some more grand kids"she laughed why nuddging my arm. Why is this happening to me. 

On the car ride home me and Mamma tuan talked about everything. What I wanted to do when I finished school. How my parents were doing with their new suppouses. If I enjoyed having Mark back. We even stopped on the way home and did a little shoppping. I had to pick up a few things to complete my look. "Were here" She let out as we pulled up to the house. She got out first as I told her "You go ahead I have to get something out the car first." She nodded and went in. Leaving the door open for me. When she was gone I pulled out a small bag filled with jewlery and pulled out a small stud" long time no see" I giggled to myself as I put in my new nose ring. When I was done I headed inside, closed the door and took off my shoes

"Mary my mom said to help you with-"

I looked up to see a confused Mark staring at me.


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