Meet the Tuans AGAIN!

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After jumping in my truck and a thirty minute car ride where I was beyond pissed to be sitting next to the one and only Mark. We finally made it to our destination. "Where here" I said as the boys unbuckled their seat belts. "Thanks for the ride noona." the fashionable on who's name I learned was BamBam thanked me.

"Yeah thanks" The tall cutie Yugyeom chimed in. I smiled and watched as the boys exited the car and got their luggage. They turned out to be pretty nice. Even if one of them did think I had an affair with papa tuan. 

One by one they all got out. I watched as they walked to a house that kind of looked familiar, But hey that's not my problem. All I had to worry about was jumping back into my comfy bed and going back to sleep.  As I was about to start my car, I noticed something on the floor. A bracelet?  As I bent down to pick it up  I heard a familiar voice cry out "Mark". I looked up and saw him hugging an older women. I had to admit she looked pretty familiar,I felt my curiosity grow,but I shook it off. 

I started the car and just when I was about to pull off I heard another  voice cry out "Mary, Mary is that you. Turning to see who the voice was I was greeted by no other than Joey Tuan and a whole bunch of stares by none other than Mark's family. I looked around my setting and that's when it hit me.I was literally parked in front of the Tuan household. Shit. I gave the weakest wave possible. The last time I had seen this kid he was hitting me with water balloons."It is you" His smile grew. "Ma look it's Mary"!  His mother got closer and I prayed to god she didn't try to make small chat.  When she saw me her smile grew like she had just won the lotto. Had to admit I missed her kind smiles. 

" YiHe Tsai is it really you" She asked walking to my car door. Trying not to be rude I hopped out and nodded in response. I smiled at her and waved to his family,but only got weird stares back. I awkwardly smiled and gave up. Out of nowhere she, she actually hugged me. I was...shocked I hadn't received a hug from her like this in years. It felt nice like a mother's hug. I looked over my shoulder and saw everyone smiling at us. She pulled away. Staring me over. She almost looked like she was about to cry. A part of me wanted to cry too. Yet I couldn't. Something inside me wouldnt let me show emotion. 

"Alright,Alright enough of the sad after school reunion special" Papa tuan belted in "Now that everyones here let's head inside." I watched as everyone went in. 

"Well it was nice seeing you all again...Bye."I turned to walk away, but in true Mark fashion

"Mary, Where are you going aren't you gonna join us?"II turned and saw Mama Tuan pleading with her eyes for me to come in.

"I don't think that's such a good idea. I have a lot of stuff to do."

"Well is one of them returning Mark's bracelet" Joey chimed in sarcastically. Dammit Joey. I giggled. His mother mother smiled as she waved me along. As I walked past Mark, into the Tuan household  I could see a grin creep onto his lips.

"Welcome home YiHe"

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