Turning Heads

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It was almost late afternoon, and no one had said a word about my new look. All I received were weird stares.

We were sitting on the couch watching Re runs of Running Man. To say I was uncomfortable was an understatement, and trust me, it wasn't because of the seats. The boys sat there stiffly. They sat so close together that they looked like couples.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Mark and Jay B glaring. Jaebum would look my way and look me up and down. It was like he was looking for something. Like he wanted to say something but didn't dare. When our eyes met, he would smile. Once, he even winked at me. Mark, on the other hand. Mark was just straight-up creepy.

He sat at the far end of the couch with a pillow on his lap. He kept staring at the t.v so hard. I'm surprised he didn't go blind. I would catch him looking at me in between commercials. When our eyes met, he would quickly look away and break into a cold sweat. He gripped the pillow so hard his fist turned white. I swore something was wrong with him.

After 30 minutes of awkwardness, I couldn't take it anymore. I stood up and walked to the kitchen. I smiled at Mama Tuan as I grabbed a cup and poured myself a cup of juice. As I drank, I looked around and realized nothing much had changed it was still the same old kitchen Mama Tuan would give me Mark popsicles in. The same old kitchen where I and Mark would make our famous everything but the kitchen sundaes. The same kitchen we "accidentally" had our first kiss in.

"First kiss? What first kiss"? My eyes widened as I spun around to face Mama Tuan.

"Huh," I asked stupidly

"Kiss first kiss, you just said those exact words."

" I did ?" Shocked at my stupidy.

"Just now. In this very spot... Mary, do you have a boyfriend? " she asked with a large gummy smile.

I had to think of something and fast. If I told her I and Mark had kissed, it would be the next topic at the dinner table. "Umm," I rambled on. "No, I don't."

"Then why did you?"

"Coming!" I scurried out of the kitchen as fast as my feet could take me. I rushed into the living room to be greeted with awkward stares. I swear these people were killing me. It was like they were trying to look into my soul. "Uuughh," I huffed, grabbing a bag of chips and running upstairs to an empty room. Any room that could block me from this nightmare.

I popped open the bag of cheddar and sour cream chips and began to munch away. I took a deep breath and listened to the soothing sounds that were sung on the radio. I let the singer soothe me with her words on the heartbreak and moving on. Her soulful words of being joyful. Dodging is the biggest mistake she ever could...

"Man, Beyonce can sing. I used to want you so bad. So through with that. Cause honestly you turned out to be the best thing I never -"

"Mary?" On queue, a familiar voice called out to me. I looked up to be greeted by no other than...

Jae Bum pov:

I hurriedly sat up as he came closer. " Was that you singing?" He asked with a concerned look on his face. Oh, my god, did he hear me singing? Did I sound that awful?"Actually, yes, I did and to answer your second question. No"

I blushed "No what?"
"You didn't sound awful. You sounded pretty good." He gave me the cutest beaver smile.
"Thanks," I blushed.
"Mary, is everything alright? You seem kind of. What's the word I'm looking for? "
"Pissed, annoyed, freaked out if that's it, then oh yeah, I am. He laughed as he put his hand on my leg and rubbed it.
Oh my god, why is my heart racing? Is the heat on because it's seriously starting to get hot in here? My hormones were on fire. A couple more minutes alone with him and there would be a new member to the Im family tree. I took a deep breath and collected my thoughts.  

Thought1: The Tuans and the rest of Got7 are right downstairs

Thought 2: I barely know JB

Thought 3: It would be disrespectful to make out on. On...Wait, whose room is this? 

I looked around to get a scene of who stayed there. Searching, I saw posters of Taiwan and Brazil clothes on the floor, a skateboard, and a picture of Mark and Wendy. I squinted my eyes for a better look. It felt as if my eyes were deceiving me. I stood up and walked closer to the dresser and held the picture. Something in me didn't feel right. It felt as if I couldn't breathe. It felt like my heart was breaking into a million pieces. There, in my hand, was a picture of Mark and Wendy.

The picture was new. Almost fresh. From the date written on the bottom, I could tell it was taken around last Christmas. He's still with her after all this time. I knew I shouldn't care. I knew Mark meant nothing to me. But this. This hurt me beyond repair. As I stood there letting my emotions get the better of me, I felt a presence behind me. "Oh. I know her." I turned around staring into his eyes."You do?" He shook his head."She's Wendy, Mark's girlfriend." I snapped. A tear rolled down my cheek as I lowered my head toward the picture. I couldn't believe I was so stupid. I tried to hold back my tears. I tried to control my feelings, but like a fool, I let my tears stream down my face like a waterfall.

"Mary. Why are you crying?" Jb asked concerned, holding onto my shoulder, trying to look me in the eye. I turned my head, but he wouldn't give up."What's wrong? Are you hurt?" I shook my head, covering my face with my hand. I tried to escape the room, but he used all of his strength and pulled me back into a tight hug. "Mary-ah. Don't cry. It'll be okay. I know he hurt you, but I'm here now." His hug got tighter as my tears grew stronger. How did he know? Did Mark tell him? Joey? They couldn't have. Did he see us last night? Oh god. What if I hurt him? As I let my emotions loose on Jb's shoulder, I heard a voice call out to me.

"Mary -"

We pulled apart. "Jaebum?" He stood there just as confused as my heart was. Mark looked at us. Confused and hurt. I wiped my eyes as I noticed the boys behind him. Mark opened his mouth to speak but stopped when he saw the picture in my hand.

"Oh Hyung, isn't that the picture of you and Wendy Nuna?" Bam-Bam asked. So he knew about her too? Jackson gave him a slight shove, telling him to shush. I scoffed and wiped my eyes. I began to walk out. Stopping in my tracks, I gave the photo one last look.

"I hope she's worth it." I pushed the photo into his chest and walked out. The same way I left years ago.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2023 ⏰

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