Eating Up your Bull S**t Pt1

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After taking what felt like a hundred pictures listening to Mrs. Tuan's stories about me and Mark growing up and how popular Got7 was. It was time to go. I know Mark had wanted to talk,but I just wasn't ready. The last time we saw each other he was off to korea after breaking my heart.
  I knew Mama Tuan would be disappointed especially by the way she kept smiling at me, but I couldn't let Mark or anyone see me be weak. I had to leave. I looked to the cable box and checked the time 7:30. The Tuans Usually had dinner at eight. Trust me I should know from all those family dinners we used to have. I stood and made my began to make my exit."Well it's getting late. I think I'm gonna head home now". I gave Mama Tuan one last hug. Man I'm gonna miss her hugs.As I pulled away I could see Mark staring at me with questioning eyes. 

"No Mary stay. Don't leave we were Just about to head out and have dinner" Grace looked at me with a sad pout.

"Yea it'll be fun" Jackson Chimed in "We could hear more little Cock stories."He wiggled his eye brows. I giggled. As much as I wanted to I just couldn't.

"I don't know this seems more like a family dinner".

"What are you talking about you are family" Tammy walked over, taking a hold of my shoulders "Dad even made reservations at your's and Mark's favorite restaurant"

"Augus't D" we said in unison. Everyone looked at us like we were nuts.

"Yup that's the one Papa Tuan nodded while taking a sip of his beer."

"Aww man as much as I miss that place, I can't I'm not really dressed for the occasion".

"That's okay you can go home and change, well wait Joey chimed in.

"Thanks Joe"

"Good Idea Joe, Mark can even drive you back" Mama Tuans smile grew even brighter.

"Yea it'll give you two some alone time"Jackson nudged Mark. By the look in his eyes I could tell he was embarrassed and pissed all at the same time. I felt bad.

"I guess it's okay. I mean if Mark's cool with it." Everyone turned to me with either a smirk or shocked expression. Except for Jb, who actually looked a little sad. Ugh why couldn't he drive me home. I looked to Mark who finally put down his drink and spoke up "Sure"

"Great now hurry and go" Mama Tuan yelled behind us as we walked to the door and don't forget to pack an overnight bag."  My head shot up "wait,what". I turned to look back, but was pushed out the door by Mark. When we reached outside I threw him my car keys and we were on our way. 

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