6• Josh Dun is Josh fun

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Josh's pov

School had just finished, and normally now I'd be walking home but it is currently pouring raining like it's armageddon. I don't mind a little rain but this is not just a little bit of rain, and besides, I don't want to wash all my hair dye out just from walking home in the rain.

So I'm just going to sit here on the school step under the roof and wait for it to stop and then I'll go home. If the rain doesn't stop then I'll have to wait until mom finishes work and ring her up.

It's freaking cold out here though and I can't even light a cigarette while I wait.

As the rain drenched the world around me from the sky to the ground like a gain shower, I pulled my hoodie out of my backpack and slid it on, tugging the sleeves over my hands trying to shield myself from my cold and wet surroundings.

I pulled my phone out of my bag to see it only had 17%. I wasn't going to risk using my remaining battery just to save my boredom, I'd surely need my phone later to message mom to pick me up. 

I sighed and wrapped my arms around myself as I watched the rain bucket down. A car drove through the school car park with it's headlights on and stopped. The driver opened up their car door and opened up an umbrella, rushing out of the car towards me through the rain, making sure to close the car door behind them.

It was a woman from what I could tell through the rain as they were wearing short red heels, for a moment I thought they were going to slip against the wet ground.
I couldn't see her face as her umbrella was covering it.
She made it to me without slipping over.

"Do you need a lift?" She yelled, her words only just reaching my ears over the loud clattering of the rain.

I looked her up and down. She didn't look like a creep to me, she was probably just a teacher or something.
That would be awkward for a teacher to drive me home.

"Uh, no thanks!" I yelled back hoping she'd hear me over the noise. "My mom will come get me at 6 or I'll just wait until the rain stops!"

"Are you sure? It's no inconvenience." she yelled back.

I didn't fancy sitting out in the cold for hours and it would be a little rude to turn down her offer now that she's walked through the rain.
..and if she is a murderer I'm sure I could outrun her..

"Well if it's no problem." I shrugged as I stood up.

She beckoned me under the umbrella and together we both rushed through the rain to her car.
She opened the back door up for me and the light of the inside of the car lit up giving the dry inside a warm glow.

I quickly jumped into the seat and the lady closed the door behind me.
I let out a content sigh as the loud rain sound was muffled and I found myself sitting in a dry space.
I pulled my bag off and sat it at my feet on the floor.

I looked over, and sitting in the seat on the other side of me, was pretty boy, who was huddled in the corner on his phone.

Tyler's mom got in the car and handed the girl sitting in the passenger seat her wet umbrella.

I noticed tyler hadn't looked over at me. He was probably used to his mom doing stuff like this and wasn't in the mood for social interaction.

I noticed the younger looking girl peeping back at me through the space in between the headrest and the seat.
I gave her a friendly smile.

"Madison sit down properly in your seat and put your seatbelt on." Her mom told her.

"You have cool hair." She told me as she took in one last look of me before obeying her mom and and turning around in her seat to face the front.

Choke me » Joshler/tyshTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon