Are you over your ex???

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Hi. How do you know if you are over your ex. I want my name anonymous please.

Breaking up with someone is never easy. Getting over them is even worse. After months of screaming and crying you ought to get over the person, right? Well sorry but life is not always like that. Sometimes it takes years to even get over your 'true love.'

On the other hand it takes only a few days for some people to get over their once true love. Here are the signs you are one of those lucky people who are over their ex:

1. You actually have a new crush: Yippee! In your head you're like he was not even that good and you can't believe you liked him in the first place. You've moved on and found another hot guy to crush on.

2. Out with your gals: You're shocked to finally learn that Sara got promoted a month ago and Julie has a new boyfriend whom she's completely in love with. Turns out you've been so busy
monopolizing convos with your get-him-back master plan that you missed
what was going on in their lives.

3. You've decided that being friends with your ex isn't such a hot idea: You
have enough pals already, and by the way, none of them treat you like a piece
of poo on the bottom of their shoe.

4.The guy at your local corner store, who nicknamed you Chocolate Chip for a while (What? You needed comfort!), has changed your name to Sexy.

5. The other day, you dropped out of the always checking your cell-phone phase - for, oh, two seconds -but you didn't panic. Normally you'd be freaking that you missed a call from him, but face it, that's not
going to happen.

6. You just had an epiphany: It's his loss, not yours.

7. You finally returned your collection of sappy tear-jerker DVDs - Titanic, The
Notebook, and Love actually - to the video store and rented some new, more
empowering movies - Charlie's Angels and Kill Bill: Volumes 1 and 2.

8. Your computer at work has a meltdown and deletes all of his e-mails and the loving dialogue you shared. And (gasp!) you're not under the desk in the fetal position, howling in pain and bawling your eyes out. You're actually happy his lies and empty promises are wiped out of your laptop(.....In short this means you deleted all him photos from your phone or any device.)

9. Two nights ago, you actually realized that the way his eyebrows go up and down when he's talking about something serious is just really annoying. In
fact, so is the way he's always scratching his neck. Ugh...and the constant throat-clearing.

10. You've stopped connecting (in a "like,
she totally gets where I'm at" way) with Avril Lavigne songs or the weeknd.

11. You know that fantasy where you get
back together because a bus hits you, and upon hearing the tragic news, your
ex suddenly realizes that he's still madly in love with you and races to the hospital
for a bedside vigil (with two blinding carats in his pocket)? Yeah, well, you haven't had it for seven days.

12. When throwing on clothes to run out
to the store for milk, you don't blow-dry your hair (twice) and reject four outfits
on the off chance that you may bump into him on the way.

13. Your date kissed you last night, and your gag reflex didn't kick in.

14. When you run into his mom at the
mall - you weren't quick enough to lose her - and she takes your hand and tearfully
says "I really thought you were The One. My husband and I love you like a daughter," you don't turn into
emotional road kill.

15. Turning Up the Radio: You can listen to music without thinking of him. Finally, not every single song on the radio applies specifically to your relationship. Bonus: You can listen to sad country songs or even "your" song without crying.

16. Going Out with Friends: You can talk to your friends without bringing him up. In fact, you might even learn what's been going on in your friends' lives now that you're done monopolizing the conversation with your woes.

17. Doing Some Spring Cleaning: You've gotten rid of all of his stuff -- really, all of it. Even the old emails and saved chats. And you don't miss it at all.

18. Checking out the Hotties: You have started to notice all of the other interesting people around you, and you have a crush on a new girl. If you've started to consider the possibility of dating other people, you've turned a corner.

19.Checking Your Attitude:
You realize it is her loss, not yours. And you start to remember how annoyed you were by her little quirks. If you've seen her again since the breakup, you realized that she wasn't really that great after all.

20.Dressing Like Yourself:
You are no longer living in sweatpants, but at the same time you don't go into paroxysms of anxiety at the thought that he might see you in the wrong outfit. If you're no longer fazed at the thought of running into him without makeup on, you're over him.

Signs you are not over him
As much as you'll love to say you are over him, most times you find out you are not. Here are a few signs:

1. YOU TRAIL HIM ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Now i'm talking insta, snapchat and twitter. You're still checking out all the photos he has liked and posted. You are constantly on his page and even still liking his insta photos or retweeting his tweets.

2. YOU SHOW UP WHERE YOU KNOW HE'LL BE: You know that every Friday night he's at coldstone or his favourite restaurant. Now you are going there just to see him and hope he'll notice you.

3. YOU TALK ABOUT HIM CONSTANTLY: You keep telling your friends the little details you love about him. Everyday it is jack this or jack that or how something reminds you of him.

4. YOU TALK TO HIM CONSTANTLY: He's stopped answering your calls and texts but you keeping calling. He tries to avoid you and walks by fast but you always say hi and out of politeness he replies. You text him on whatsapp but he doesn't reply......yet he is online.

5. THE TINIEST THINGS REMIND YOU OF HIM: You see someone eating popcorn and you're like "he used to love eating that." Everything a person does...including breathing reminds you of him.

6. YOU OVER COMPENSATE: You are forever ready to do anything for him or forgive him even if he looks the least bit sincere.

7. YOU'RE FOREVER COMPARING: You compare other guys to him. You can't be satisfied with any guy cause you still think your ex is still perfect.

8. BEING IN THE SAME ROOM WITH HIM IS DIFFICULT: You can't handle being around him. Your heart still beats fast and all you want to do is kiss him or hug him.

Hey everyone,

I hope this chapter was not too long for you. I just wanted to really stress out all the info for this question.

Using this info, I bet you'll be able to figure out if you've moved on or not.

If you have any more questions comment it or pm me. I'll always be waiting to answer any of your problems

Vote and comment!!!!!

Dressing and frenzies¤♡☆♡¤¤

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