Chapter 1

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All original content goes to Glen A. Larson, and the Battlestar Galactica franchise, I do not own it or any off its merchandise. This is a unique piece of literature and original Idea and all similarities to real people or the series are simply a coincidence. The only ideas that were used were this intro that was featured in the Mini-Series as well as Commander Adamas decommissioning speech, everything else is original. The songs included with this piece of work were created by Richard Gibbs and Bear McCreary and all rights belong to them, they are just off Youtube.


The Cylons Were Created by man To make life easier on the 12 Colonies Then the day came when they decided to eliminate their masters

After a long and bloody war, an Armistice was declared and the Cylons left for a world to call their own

A remote Station was Buil, where Cylons and Colonials can maintain diplomatic relations

Every Year the Colonies send an Officer

The Cylons Send No One

No one has seen or heard the Cylons in over 40 years.



This is Colonel Briggs, about to rendezvous with Armistice Station. Shouldn't be too long." Said Colonel Briggs as he sent out his final transmission to Colonial Fleet. It should reach Picon Fleet Headquarters in a few hours. In that time, he will just be sitting, waiting for the Cylons. As he looked outside of the shuttle, he looked at the station came into view. "Repeat, about to rendezvous." So far, the day was going just as it had for the past 20 years – arrive, report in, leave. The same old Armistice meeting that never happened.

As he adjusted the ship and allowed the automatic docking mechanism to connect in, he took a final breath. For all he knows, this day could be the day the Cylons appear. Hopefully, it would since a positive relationship will benefit both sides, and prevent another damn war from happening. Slowly, the ship docked, and after getting the green light, he shut the engines down. Briggs reached down and grabbed his briefcase with everything from a picture of Boxxy, to the copy of the armistice agreement that was made 40 years before.

As he stepped onboard the Armistice station, he was met with the crisp air being generated onboard. The elevator was just mere meters away. As his footsteps echoed through the hallway, he couldn't help but notice the musty smell that was being given off from the years of use. Slowly as he stepped on board the elevator to the meeting room, he imagined himself in his younger years, when he first was assigned to the Station. That day, he expected to do it once, but since then, he's done it every year.

When he came back to his surroundings, he looked forward as the room. The long room sat precisely the same way as he last saw it. At least that was good. Once he walked up to the table, he placed his briefcase down and sat down in the padded chair. As he looked up, he shook his head, knowing no one would come inside. The Station was quiet, except for the soft hum of the generators. Once he came to his senses that no one was happening, he opened his briefcase and put a photo of his son Boxxy on the table, before examining some old Colonial War documents. One had always stuck out, a Cylon Centurions Schematics, everything from the cybernetics it used, to the onboard silica pathways it used to do complex equations. It was the reason why Colonial Fleet feared the use of technology for so long to the point some ships still have non-networked computer systems such as the too be decommissioned Battlestar Galactica.

He was slightly paranoid himself, they created a computer that can think for itself, and it decided to kill its creators. As he nodded off thinking of everything for hours, he was suddnely awoken as the two large doors opened up.

As Colonel Briggs looked in terror, he saw two Cylon Models walk inside the door. They were new, no longer the clankers from the war, tall, sleek, but just as deadly. As they stepped over to the side, he looked at their guns folded back into their arms, exposing long sharp fingers. Unlike what he previously thought, today was the day the Cylons show up.

In the distance, he heard the tapping of shoes - or heels. As he looked forward, he saw a tall young blonde women walking towards him. As she walked up to the desk, she didn't take a seat, she walked around side to him. As she sat on the counter, she looked at him, as if she was seeing a living breathing person for the first time.

"Are you alive?" She said.

"Yes." He said shakily. As she looked at him, curiously. The women leaned into where he could feel her breath, and she asked,

"Prove it." As she grabbed the back of the neck, she brought the two of them into a kiss. All he could think of though was the Cylons and the women who were snogging him to believe he was alive. His eyes shot open, as he heard an explosion from the decks below. As she pulled away, she looked at him, as if mocking him, and gave him a devilish smirk, like a demon from hell. Colonel Briggs looked at the papers on the desk as they flew away. Slowly as the heat grew, she announced.

"It has begun!"

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