Chapter 3: End of Days

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Jessica laid in her cot, it was not the most comfortable thing, but it was enough. She quickly rolled over to her side. The intercom was playing the Galactica's decommissioning.

"And now the last commander of the Battlestar Galactica, Commander William Adama."

"Thank you. The Cylon war is long over, yet we cannot forget the reasons why so many sacrificed so much in the cause of freedom.... Wearing the uniform can be high... Yet sometimes its too high." She knew that every officer in Colonial Fleet new it. "You know when we fought the Cylons, we did it to save ourselves from extinction. But we never answered the question, why? Why are we as a people worth saving? We still commit murder over greed, spite, and jealousy. And we still visit all our sins upon our children. We refuse to accept responsibility for anything we've done." Jessica sat up at the words. She looked over at the others who were listening in. "Like we did with the Cylons, we decided to play Gods, create life. When that life turned against us, we comforted ourselves with the knowledge that it really wasn't our fault, not really. If you cannot play God then wash your hands of the things you created. Sooner or later, the day comes when you can't hide from the things that you've done anymore." The entire speech cut out after a few more seconds when they held the fly by with the Colonial Anthem play in the background.

"We did play gods." She mumbled to herself. "We did create life."

= River Walk Market, Caprica City =

The various men and women walked around the market gathering fresh food and vegetables while enjoying the day. They were all seemingly oblivious as a platinum blonde women walked behind them. They all were talking to each other, while friends exchanged their daily story and catching up with each other. The blonde women walked around looking at the various Humans. It wasn't the first time, of course, coming in contact with them, she had been sleeping with Baltar for a couple of months, while he worked on the CNP. Her eyes moved over to a couple that was looking over at the exotic fruits laid out on the table in front of them. Her husband's attention was soon caught by his friends while he purchased some ambrosia. The blonde women looked down at the women's baby, its blue eyes were beautiful and it looked at everything it saw.

"How small they are," She murmured to herself. The mother was still close enough to her.

"I know. But they grow up so fast." The mother quickly replied. The blonde women looked down at the child.

"May I?" The mother hesitated for a moment

"Sure." The blonde women gently picked the child up out of the stroller, she gently held her. She always approved of parenting – even if it was the end of days for humanity. In the end, parents have to die to make room for their children, and they have to let their children grow up one day.

"So light," The baby squeaked for a second, the blonde women stroked its cheek. "So fragile." The baby began to quietly wail. "Shh-shh-shh..." The baby quieted down again. "You're not going to have to cry much longer." The mother took notice to the unusual wording the blonde women had. It made her more nervous than when she asked to hold her only child. She reached out and took her child and put it back into its stroller.

"We really should be going." The blonde women looked forward one last moment.

"It's truly amazing how the neck can support that much weight," She marveled at the human anatomy. Cylons aren't born babies. They are just adults when they wake up, except for that one failed experiment.

"Centura, honey!" The women looked in her husband's direction.

"Be just a moment." The blonde women reached behind the child's neck and mad a quick move. There was a small snap and the child stopped crying. The women began to walk through the crowds as she heard the mother scream. "Oh, my gods! She killed my baby! You won't have to suffer, no more suffering not for you. I have spared you, little child. The blond women, though. The crowds with a sad face, she thought it was wrong to kill a child, but she didn't want it to burn or die from the impending nuclear attacks. And yes, Humanity did create life, and we did turn against them. Humanities children are coming home today. Still, she did not want it to suffer in the nuclear fire, of the apocalypse that was to come.

Battlestar Galactica : New BloodOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora