Chapter 2: Nugget

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A/N: The song is "Are you Alive" from Battletar Galactica the Miniseries



Jessica sat in the cramped drop ship. Several other nuggets were enjoying themselves while watching combat missions from the Cylon War. Akina walked over to them and saw as the Viper Pilot maneuvered his Viper while engaging several Raiders. The Pilot was rough on the stick, but each maneuver another Raider exploded. Akina shook her head and headed back to Jessica.

"Watching combat maneuvers?" Jessica looked up at Akina as she shook her head laughing at the old videos.

"Yeah - Nuggets and their War Porn." Akina looked back over at the other nuggets. Jessica and her didn't know how they managed to graduate flight school.

"Hey, we're going to be flyin' like that in our Vipes'" Bragged Acosta

"Mitch sevens don't handle like the old Mark Two's. If I were you, during Combat Sims you might want to ease up on your stick?" Jessica quickly corrected.

"Oh now you're talking. What you think we are going off while watchin' maneuvers?"

"Isn't that what all nuggets do these days?"

"For frakk sakes cap it." All their attention was drawn to a Senior Officer. Colonel Azar, his rough voice was the most noticeable out of the crew. "Can't believe I get shipped off to another Battlestar full of Nuggets." His voice died down into a murmur. Jessica shook her head as she looked over old Combat Maneuvers. She knew the Viper Mark Sevens were easier to handle with the new CNP in place, but the two's and three's a person had complete control over. "If you all expect to survive on a Battlestar you better know where to put your war porn, and when to speak in front of your commanding officer. Trust me, I've been there." Jessica looked over at Colonel Azar, he served during the Sagittarion Aggressions and helping during the explosion at Troy where his father was killed, he was lead Viper Pilot on the Battlestar Pegasus during her early tours. "And if you expect to be killing Toasters if they ever return."

"Sir, how do you know if the Cylons will attack again, it's been forty years."

"Lieutenant Nagala, your father served during the war, he would have told you that all they wanted to do was kill us. If it wasn't for the brave men and women, who fought and died, none of you would have been born."

"I understand sir." Colonel Azar turned back to his tablet looking at all his flight recordings and his new crew manifest. Jessica looked back at the other nuggets who came from the other War Academies. They all looked at her as if they saw a ghost. They had heard of the name Nagala, a famous war hero, he was the CAG of the Columbia when it was destroyed, he and most of the flight crew survived. Most of them remembered when he was promoted to Admiral.

"Frakkin' A'. Admiral's Daughter."

"Mean anything to you?"

"No, just that he was older when he had you?"

"Adopted." She never talked about being adopted. It was thought her parents died during the Sagittaron Aggressions when Tom Zarek blew up a city block, hundreds died, he underestimated the yield of the explosive device. "Sagittaron - during the aggressions." They all turned to their work, they knew people who went through that didn't talk much about it and would rather avoid talking about it. Tom Zarek murdered innocent people during the aggressions. "Parents were thought to have been killed." The other Nuggets settled down, most didn't speak of what Zarek did, or the Aggressions. A bloody civil war between the Sagittarians and the other Colonies that lasted three years.

Battlestar Galactica : New BloodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora