Chapter 9: Revelations

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Jessica laid on the floor not moving a inch while they moved onto the Six copy. Her spot between her legs were on fire. She heard the continuing assault on the Six, she didn't beg, or scream. She just heard the grunting of Thorne and the Marine. Her eyes welled up as she began to come back to her senses.

"Frakkin' Skin-Job won't talk, sounds like Nagala has no idea what the Cylons want." He heard the clanging of the cell door as it shut and then locked. She hated her life.

"Did you get anything out of them?" It was Cains voice, she was cold and unrevealing. No wonder why she had so much hate towards the Cylon. Jessica knew why.

"Nothing sir. Nagala continues to claim she's Human."

"Open the cell. Is the Doctor here?" Admiral Cain walked up to Jessica who was just laying there on the ground.

"You want me to take a sample of her DNA for what purpose?"

"I want you to compare my mitochondrial DNA to her own."

"Okay." The Doctor quickly shoved a needle into the back of her leg as he took some blood.

"Tell me. I know your awake."

"What was my fathers name?"

"Do-Donatus Cain. He died on a skirmish on Tauron. Your, sisters name is Lucy. She scratched her knee on a rock a-and couldn't get up, she cried for you to help." Cain took a step back. No one knew that. "Your mother died as well during the attack. Your sister has brown eyes and hair. She has a scar on her right foot."

"How do you know that?

"She told me." Admiral Cains foot came up and caught her in the ribcage.


"I'm not!" Another kick. Jessica felt a crack on the second kick. "I'm not lying. I swore a oath to protect the colonies, and I will follow through with it."

"Frakk you. Bring her down to airlock four." Two Marines grabbed her by her arms and began to drag her down the winding hallways of the Battlestar with Cain behind them. Jessica looked through her one good eye and saw Six and Four standing in the airlock with their hands and feet bound, and a gun squad was there.

"Oh Gods. Lords of Kobol hear my prayers." She was dragged next to them. "Oh Gods, don't send me back there. Not again... Not again... Gods don't,"


"Please don't send me back!" She looked at Admiral Cains face, she was disturbed by the way she reacted. Jessica was afraid of dying. A immortal person wouldn't be. Four and Six were fine, they just stood there all calm.


"Gods, please don't send me back!"

"Stand down! Grab the Skin-job." Two Marines went and grabbed Jessica and dragged her by the arms. "Resume!"

"Wait, he's probably going to box them. They could have valuable information." Four and Six both shook their heads no.

"We don't know anything about his plan."

'Fine, fire!" Jessica watched as the two Cylons were shot with bullets, blood went in all directions. Four and Six collapsed to the ground. The Marines quickly attached the rods to the collar. "Stand up." Jessica struggled to get to her feet but succeeded. "Bring her to the med-bay get her patched and cleaned up."

"Yes sir." Admiral Cain walked down in the same direction since the Doctor would be done sequencing her genome.

"Admiral, so I heard Thorne raped her?"


"You frakkin' bastard. She can't harm a fly."

"Have you told her?'


"That a good friend from the academy is here?'

"No." They walked into the med-bay where a Nurse was treating her cuts and bruises.

"Can you take a deep breath please." Jessica took a breath and got a shooting pain in her rib. "Looks like you might have a broken rib." The Nurse closed the curtains around the bed so he could do a complete examination.

"Admiral Cain, I got the tests. She was telling the truth. She is your niece. Though her DNA is from one of the Cylons, but none of the Eight. Apparently a Daniel, a number seven model was going to run away with her and your sister. That's what I got from the Six in the brig."

"So your saying that my sister is alive?"

"Was according to Nagala, she commited suicide a couple days ago. Said she wanted you to know that, she wasn't a scared little girl anymore." Admiral Cain collapsed to her couch.

"It's so surreal, I never thought she could have been alive since, my sister went missing during the war. Forty years of being like that? My gods."

"Well, it's not my area of expertise on the Cylons pyscy, but she was suffering, and if you want to know, Nagala is emotionally compromised. And she is willing to help."

"Okay, get her down here, I'll contact, Major Griggs."

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