Chapter 10: Griggs

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= Jessica Nagala =

Admiral Cain looked at Jessica Nagala who was standing in her quarters restrained by two Marines. She could see the pain of betrayal in her eyes, as well as hatred towards her.

"Take if off please." Jessica felt the two Marines unhook the long roads from the collar around her neck. "The restraints are still necessary. I just want to know if you know what you are?"

"Well, I don't really know, I am human – but Cylons, a half-breed, I don't belong here or anywhere."

"Quite sentimental." She saw Admiral Cain had one of her pistols by her hip, if she tried anything it would be back to Cavil. "But how much do you know about the Cylons in your three months of captivity?

"Well, to start. They have evolved past the mechanical components that held them back for decades. They are of flesh and blood, but their brains are still composed of silica pathways. Their base stars have one single entity controlling it called a hybrid. And well they are dependent on technology like a evolutionary dead end." Admiral Cain nodded as she continued. "The base stars are hard to navigate, every hallway is the same each leads somewhere different."

"Their defenses?"

"The Cylon raiders have freewill, and are controlled by a organism that lives inside it. They are sentient, but just globs of flesh. Though the Cylons have advanced computer systems and can communicate instantly, and from what I gathered they infected the fleet with a virus inside of the central navigation programs, which was recently installed."

"Interesting, but we never uploaded new programs to main memory, how do they work?"

"As a back door, they can flip a switch and the entire ship goes dead." Jessica looked behind her as the door opened.

"May I come in ma'am?" A deep voice that was familiar echoed into the room.

"Yes." Jessica looked as her old lover and fellow academy graduate stepped into the room. Griggs."

"Nagala, I am aware you were close to Major Griggs?"

"Yes, Ma'am. Major?"

"I promoted him after the attack, I lost our XO."

"Oh." Griggs sat down onto the couch next to Jessica and awkwardly put his arm around her. For a second Jessica though she saw a smile streak across Cains face.

"How's my old friend doing, since I heard you were a skin job?"


"Well, Griggs here acts as pilot and third in command, he is CAG for both ships. I am aware you are quite the pilot." Cain looked at Griggs and then back to Jessica.

"Yes Ma'am. Top marks."

"Well, I am having your old Mark Two transferred over and you will resume your post as a Viper pilot, and you are to return to the brig during off duty hours."

"Understood Admiral."

"Congratulations Lieutenant. You don't mind the demotion do you?"

"No, I just want to get back in the air."

"And the punishment I believe was too severe, my apologies you shouldn't have been treated that way. Dismissed." Jessica didn't return eye contact. The two marines went to restrain her.

"You don't have to restrain me, I know my way around a Battlestar, and I expect you to shoot me if I run." The two Marines stood down and followed her down to the brig where a new uniform was waiting. It was a Pegasus uniform as well as her belongings from the Ares. Griggs followed behind.

"So Jess, you really are that mysterious person your father though your were."


"Your father knew, that you were a Cylon since your were little."

"Frakkin' me right?"

"Yeah just joking, I'm glad your back. Feels good to know someone familiar."

"I'm not that truly familiar person you thought you knew."

"Don't say that, just because you're half-and-half doesn't mean you're a different person than who I fell in love with."

"Oh, so it's the hormones then?"

"Maybe a little. So how is your new home without the six?"

"little less wretched."

"I thought so. Don't worry nocameras, just a guy posted outside." Jessica saw a slight flare in his eyes."I'll see you on the flight deck, 06:30 tomorrow."    

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