Chapter 4: Worthy of Survival

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= Lieutenant Jessica Nagala =

I had this dream. Always the same one, some women wanting her child back. Jessica sat up from her bunk, she always had that dream. She didn't know who the women was or why she was witnessing the theft of a child. Jessica threw her flight suit on and rolled it down so it was comfortable. She walked down to counsel. Every ship in the fleet had a priest or a counselor on, but she didn't think a counselor would do it. She opened the hatch and saw a old balding man sitting at the table reading the sacred scrolls.

"Excuse me?"

"Oh yes come in." She walked in smelling the incense, all of the priests or priestess were very spiritual, it was better than a oracle who constantly ate camala to have visions, or simply to get high. "I haven't seen you around here, you are?"

"Jessica Nagala."

"Take a seat Jessica, what seems to be troubling you?"

"Its that. All the time I have this dream - it's hard to understand, it's a woman who looks like me, but not me. She has her child with her, and then some people come and take the baby away."

"Hmm. Very interesting. These dreams could have a symbolic meaning, like you are afraid to loose family."

"The thing is, I have to biological family, they died on Sagittaron during the aggressions."

"Well then, that could be your unconscious mind trying to understand where you come from. And the women could be a person who loved you, and didn't want you to be taken away, your mother who probably died."

"What about the other people?"

"Well. The other people could be your adoptive father Admiral Nagala and his wife."

"She died when I was three. I grew up on Battlestars."

"But when you dream, try to make sense of it. Some people dream of certain things like who they are, or if say, they are a Cylon. But then for example say I am a Cylon Robot, and this person thinks he's a spy, what would I say?"

"That it's the dreams are crippling his sould, that he thinks hes a Cylon."

"And I would jokingly reply that I haven't seen him at any of the Cylon parties."

"Ha, ha, ha. Nice joke."

"But do you understand. This is the thought that is torturing your dreams, that you want to know who you are."

"I guess. Thanks, Mr?"

"Cavil, John Cavil."

"Cavil. Thanks." She walked out of the room, and lifted his eye brow.

"I haven't seen her at any of the parties?" Jessica walked down to the hangar bay to clean the deck. She looked and saw the other Nuggets working on he Raptors and Vipers, and a couple scrubbing the floor with tooth brushes. She grabbed a mop and began to clean up the oil of the ground and brushed the old shell casings away from the launch tubes. The alarms began to sound. The entire deck crew began to rush around getting Vipers ready.

"Action stations, action stations, set condition one throughout the ship, repeat, action stations, action stations, set condition one throughout the ship." The intercome went off with the XO shouting the same command that every ship follows. Jessica looked at the crew.

"This is the Commander. Minutes ago we received word that the Cylons have begun a assault on the Colonies. Admiral Nagala has taken personal command of the fleet on-board the Battlestar Atlantia, after destruction of Picon Headquarters. As of now, we don't know why or how they crossed the armistice line undetected. But all indications insinuate a massive assault against colonial fleet. You've trained for this, your ready for this. Stand to your duty, trust your fellow shipmates, and we will get through this. Updates as follows." The intercom cut out and the entire crew began rushing to their vipers to get it ready as if it was the end of the world, but with Cylons it is the end of the world.

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