Scary dream

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I just woke up and I still feel like in the dream and Ik it sounds worse than it is but guys if you went through this you'd understand it was horrible

Btw the people mentioned are:
Chris- my brother
Molly- my dog
Victoria- best friend
Jimmy- friend who goes to my school
Sarah- a girl who liked jimmy but he never liked her

Ok here it is:
There was a horrible sickness and zombie apocalypse and I woke up one day, my mom was dead and bloody and so was my dad, and I never checked if my brother and Molly was alive so I called Victoria she was alive but her parents were dead so I took my dads car and drove to her house and then she drove to some older guy Matt who was rly weird and creepy like he was gonna hurt us but when I left my house I forgot Molly and to check on Chris so I felt so bad I wanted to die and then Victoria disappeared so I drove to jimmys house and jimmy drove with me and we went to a city and Jimmy had Kanye CDs in his car so we played them and we past an apartment and he was like "oh I remember when Sarah lived there" and then we had to get out so were running and I dropped the CDs but when I went to pick them up there were a bunch of kids on a tricycle and even a newborn was on it so I stopped it and took them off to help but a Mexican guy was like " NO MY KIDS!" So Jimmy and I took the two newborns and ran and the dream ended

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