Boy Drama (storytime)

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So this story starts around February 2016. And there was a boy we'll call Edward. And Edward had this girlfriend (since October) we'll call her Amanda. Amanda and I weren't necessarily friends but we'd have the occasional friendly conversation.

Now, don't ask me why, but it took until February for Edward and I to really notice each other. I mean, he's the most popular you can get, and I'm me. Just in the middle of popularity I guess. But anyways, it started in February when my science teacher moved me next to him. In the front row. I think she did it so I would kind of help him out and he'd be quiet around me, but she did not know the havoc we would wreck for the rest of the year in that class.

We started talking more and more each day, and then we had the next class together, math. He would say things to me like "Cara if I had your number I would've invited you to this party." And I'd get shy and say, "I probably wouldn't go anyway." Then after math which was only the third period, I had honors English (obviously without him because he's very dumb lol) then we had lunch together, but I never really saw him then, then I had a free period, then I had religion with him.

I looked forward to science, math, and religion, everyday. He probably didn't even think twice about it back then. Then I had French, he had Spanish, but it was right next to my room so we'd walk together sometimes. Then after that we had history, I was in honors which was right next to his basic class. But he'd always be late, and I'd always be early. I sat in the front row, right in front of the door, and I'd just wait for him to walk by. He'd walk by, and wave, and I just can't put that feeling into words. Especially now.

Well anyways, I got his number from my friend who had it, because I had to ask him something. So after that, we would talk every night until 12pm. We had the deepest conversations. He told me everything about himself, and I told him everything about me. We had inside jokes and everything.

Then, I became jealous of Amanda. And for some reason, I got closer to her. She's the one that told me her and Edward were dating. We were cool. And as much as I didn't want to like her for dating Edward, I realized how funny she was and how perfect for him she was. So deep down, I knew at the end of the day, I was happy with her because he was happy with her.

So my life was like that for awhile; jealous of Amanda but also happy for and with her and talking about every night with Edward and getting so close with him.

And one day, everything changed. Edward and I weren't as close as I thought we were. Because I never brought Amanda up with him, I was too scared. But Amanda comes to school one day, crying. And when I saw her, I knew exactly why. Edward broke up with her. And I knew I shouldn't have been happy but I was.
He never told me he wanted to break up with her, and as far as I knew, I was the only girl who talked to him besides Amanda. And I thought, maybe, he did this for me. Maybe, for once, something in my life would go right.

So that night, I texted him. I asked him if it was true, if he was ok, etc. He said he was a mess, but it was true. And he told me he didn't want to talk about it. I respected that. Of course I fucking did.

Then, I start getting texts from this girl, we'll call her Jessica. And Jessica approaches me like she wants to be best friends and I welcome this. She was the most popular girl in my grade, heck probably one of the most popular in the entire school. And I couldn't see why not. We would FaceTime, and we had inside jokes. I soon found out why she started doing all of this.

Our conversations turned into all about Edward, she would try to get everything I knew about him out of me. But I played stupid like I didn't know him. She told me she liked him, and that she was jealous that he texted me so much. And if we were facetiming and he was texting me, and not her, she'd end on me all mad and tell me she needed to talk to him.

We would oovoo and my dumbass just kept feeding into this. But of course my heart was breaking, they were throwing themselves in front of my face. And he didn't know.

One night, Edward told me what happened with him and Amanda. Long story short, Jessica told him a lot of shit about Amanda. How she was crazy, suicidal, depressed. Jessica scared Edward into breaking up with Amanda. Jessica's crazy, and she got her way, as always.

I remember some things Jessica would tell me on FaceTime. Like, "I don't really care if a guy has a girlfriend I'll still go after him." Or "don't you just love messing with guys? Tell them you like them and when they get interested, I just  leave. It's so much fun."

That was when I knew she was fucked up. I started talking to her so much, I noticed I wasn't taking to Edward anymore. But when I would talk to Edward more, Jessica wouldn't talk to me.

Edward and my friendship ended when something petty and stupid (and all his fault) happened in school. It was academic involved, and I had to contact his mom, who then hated me. She used to love me. I don't know what happened, it was his fault I had to do anything.

After his mom and the school found out, he turned everyone against me. This happened on the last day of school. No one said goodbye to me. I walked down the hallway and everyone laughed at me, or started murmuring, or just started flat out talking about me so loud I was convinced they wanted me to hear what they were saying.

Edward and I had a couple of fights before, but nothing like this. We had one recently that left a bad taste in my mouth, but after this, I knew I could never go back to being friends with him. I really really liked him. I could've loved him. I knew I had to stop that. This was a reality check, he never cared about me. I would never do what he did to me, to him.

I did so much for him. I had papers to write but I'd FaceTime him and help him with homework because that's the kind of person I am.

We could've been something, but in the end, I'm glad we weren't.

I was nothing in his eyes, but to me he was everything.

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