Chapter 2 The Road to Possibilities

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     Kyra laid down on the couch. "I'm not staying for long El."
Ella looked at her phone. "It's been a while. Why don't you stay?"
Kyra glanced over at her. "When did this happen? How could it happen? " She put her hands up to her face. "I don't understand."
Ella looked up, then got up and walked over to Kyra. She sat down next to her. "I haven't been so lucky either. Luke and Ashton are fighting. I've torn their band apart."
     Kyra wiped a tear, "No you didn't! Michael's death was an accident. Ashton and Luke are just being children. And Calum. He just brought it on himself. None of it is your fault."
     ''It all started happening when I started going out with Michael. Kyra. Juliet is pregnant. Andy went back to her. Why aren't you so worried?" Ella shifted her hands.
   Kyra looked down and shook her head, "None of it matters. Love. It just never works out. Haven't you ever noticed?"
Ella's big brown eyes glowed in the dull light. She took a stifling breath. "Your right."
    Kyra's eyes lit up. "I know! How about we leave? We go on a trip. We get away from here!" She stood up. "How about it. We have nothing here"
"I can't leave Ashton and Luke. They need me." Ella stood up next to Kyra.
"They're grown men aren't they? Come on. I'll help you pack your bags." Kyra dashed to the bedroom and opened the drawers. She reached under the bed and grabbed the suitcase.
     "I don't know Kyra. Personally all I would love to do is run away from my problems. But that's not how life works." She crossed her arms over her chest. "I realize they're grown, but that's on the outside. Inside, they are still little babys following Mama penguin"
Kyra laughed. "Stop making Luke puns and pack. If they ask they will ask me." She threw the rest of Ella's drawers into the suitcase.

        The wind blew in Ella's hair, the aroma of freedom welcomed her. The dusty road they drove on without a destination laid down patiently. There was no rush because they weren't going to a place in particular. She breathed in closing her eyes. Then peppermint filled her nostrils. She opened her eyes.
      "Want some?" Kyra held a pack of gum in front of her nose.
Ella nodded. She grabbed a piece and popped it in her mouth. She began chewing. She realized how thirsty she was. "You got water?"
     Kyra looked straight ahead at the road. "Yeah, should be some in the back."
    Ella grabbed a bottle and opened it. She drank a little then spit it out. " Why did you have to get peppermint gum??!''
Kyra raised her head and laughed as they drove on through the afternoon.

A fanfic of Ella 3Where stories live. Discover now