Chapter 4 Dreams come true?

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They began their week by kayaking down the river in Ohio, then Tuesday they went to an Amusement Park but people recognized Ella and Kyra and started throwing popcorn and carmel apples. Wednesday they stayed in all day.
Thursday rolls around. "Ella. We need to get over the fact that we have haters." Kyra leaned over Ella, " You should be sorta happy. Your famous Ella."
Ella slapped Kyra. "In a bad way!!! Don't you realize the whole fandom wants me dead. After Michael died the band was never the same. It never will be."
Kyra rubbed he her cheek then slapped Ella back. "First off, why do you always get to pick on me. I have something for you. I don't know if I wanna give it to you now."
Ella gave her best puppy dog eyes. "Pwease?"
Kyra sighed then grabbed a box behind her. She gave it to Ella and she took it.
Ella scraped at the tape and then lifted the lid. She just stared.
Kyra sat next to her. "When we were younger I remember you telling me that you wanted to become famous and sing, Well. There's a camera for recording and a microphone for singing. The speaker hasn't arrived yet."
Ella smiled and stared down at the box. Her shoulders shook.
Kyra smiled, "Aww its okay." She reached out and hugged Ella. Ella just smiled and tried stopping her tears of happiness before gulping. Ella slapped Kyra. "That's because you aren't aloud to slap me back."

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