Chapter 1

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Neil is this really necessary, I have school in like ten minuets" I said to my Uncle. He laughed and attacked me with his sword again. I blocked it and disarmed him "now can I go to school" I asked and he nodded "Lex we have to talk later ok" Neil said, I nodded while running out the door to hopefully catch my bus.


I hurried out of English, one of the subjects I hate the most cause of my Dyslexia. I walked along the mass of lockers to see something weird. It was like a dog but with a feline body, panther like fur and was the size of a lion or even a grizzly bear. I blinked and saw nothing 'I must be day dreaming' I thought to my self while I continued my way through the zoo of teenagers.

School finished and I made my way home when I saw it again. It stared at me like I was its next meal, which freaked me out so I started to walk faster but that only made it sprint. I dropped my bag and bolted down the block, completely disregarding the bus. I finally made it to Neil's gym when I really started to freak. I bursted into his office and closed the door "Neil there's a freaky ass monster chasing me" I panted and he looked through the blinds "I hoped they wouldn't find you, why did they have to find you" he muttered and I shot up

"who found me, what are you talking about" I yelled. Neil disconnected my eye contact completely and started turning his office upside down till he found a small handle like thing and he handed it to me. It was blue with silver engravings large enough to fit a hand and a half length ways and a little less than a inch in diameter, almost the size of a texter. "we have to go" he said and I gave him a look

"where are we going, Neil talk to me" I yelled as he opened a hatch in the floor and gestured for me to enter. I stepped through it and fell a few meters. Neil landed beside me "Neil what's going on" I said but he never replied. He just led me through the dark.

I pulled him off and he stopped "please Lexi we don't have time" he pleaded but I held my ground

"Neil what the hell is going on, I was attack by something that needs to be studies by scientist and your not telling me anything" I yelled and he stepped forward

"look I can't explain this second but if you listen I promise I will tell you what you need to know" he said, I gave in and started to run again.

We took a left than a right, and left again till I finally saw light. We ran out of a storm drain and were heading towards a forest. Neil knew exactly where he was going which was amazing cause he has a horrible sense of direction.

We came across a massive circle in the middle on nowhere, just grass and nothing else other than it lead to a river. Neil placed his hand in mid air and I saw a small ripple like a rock being thrown in a still pond. The image of a blank circle almost burnt away in blue and white flecks and revealed some sort of training ground.

There were kids fighting with swords, guns, spears, knifes, all kinds of new and old military type weapons and they all had scar on their wrists that were lightly coloured. Neil brought me forward and everyone stood still, I could feel their stares burn in my skull.

I was lead to stairs and in those stairs lead to a fairly big office that even underground had a view of the forest "Neil what are you doing here" a man at the desk asked

"Alexander she was attacked, you said that she was safe till her fifteenth birthday" Neil said and Alexander nodded while standing "look I did my best but its hard to ward off so many monsters when she is almost of age" he said and I stood back "what is going on here" I said and Alexander stood forward "you may like to take a seat" he said and I shook my head "dude you have teenagers fighting with swords and guns, a weird animal attacked me while I walked home from school. Start spilling the beans you psycho" I yelled and he nodded while waving his hand.

An projection of five symbols popped up and Alexander started talking "Lexi, you and all the other students here are known as guardians. They protect mortals from the world too dark for them to see. We as guardians can see such dark things and we must keep the balance of good and evil equal. When a guardian turns fifteen they become marked, this mark tells us what element they originate from. Some have dyslexia and must find their bloodline language, mostly it is an ancient one, the point is you are one of these guardians and as a guardian you are in danger. Monsters, demons and other things are drawn to your sent" he explained and I stumbled backwards and landed on a brown leather sofa "this is impossible, Demons and monsters really, Neil lets get away from this place please" I pleaded and he shook his head "you can't, you birthday is next month and that monster was just the beginning. Lexi you have to stay here" he instructed. I shook my head vigorously and followed Neil as he left he room. We got to the edge of the training ground and he hugged me "please stay safe, I will see you on your birthday, please stay here I love you" he said while walking out and vanished. I screamed and tried to go after him but had vines pull me back "I can't hold her for long" a girl said from behind.

I turned around and saw the girl was controlling the vines, she had hair that was way more blond than mine and piercing green eyes. I struggled and was eventually let down "I have to go after him" I said and a boy stood forward. He had brown hair and blue eyes, really blue eyes. A fairly muscular body and a fairly handsome face

"if you go after your uncle you will get him killed" he said and somehow I knew he was right. The boy stepped forward and put his hand out "hi I'm" he said before I cut him off "I don't care, if anyone of you come anywhere near me I'll kick you ass" I warned and the boy stepped forward "take your best shot" he said.

I made him wait a few seconds and then I spin kicked him. He was on the floor holding his jaw and pulled out a similar handle thing that Neil gave me. He clicked a button and a spear staff appeared with sword blades on either end and the familiar handle in the centre. He spun it around and charged I jumped and backwards cartwheeled to get away from its range. I grabbed my handle do dad and searched for its button. Finding it I pressed it and it turned into a Greek like silver sword 'now I have it' I thought to my self.

I blocked it with my blade and charged. I stabbed blocked and swiped till finally I could disarm him. I grabbed the centre shaft and used it to flip over his body. With his weapon in my hand I pointed his blade and my own at him. He grabbed it back and everyone went back to their training.

I walked to the lake and sat down pulling up my thin black and white flannels sleeve and found a clean cut "when the hell" I said to my self as I washed it in water and pulled my sleeve down.

I studied the blade as I played with the button, sword, handle, sword, handle is all I did for an hour till a girl walked up beside me "I got this for that cut" she said while handing me a bandage. I took it and wrapped my arm "where did you learn to fight like that" she asked and I shrugged "uncle owns a gym, he has martial arts classes and other stuff there so I took and taught a few classes for some extra cash" I explained and she nodded

"hey I'm Kelsey, the one who held you in the vines earlier" she said and I rubbed my wrists "that hurt you know" I said with a small chuckle "yeah well you did struggle a bit" she replied. I held my head carefully whilst trying to recollect the previous events fully "I can't believe this is happening, Neil is so dead when he comes back" I said and she laughed while taking a quick stare at my wrist "I don't have a mark thing if that's what your looking for" I said and she smiled "that's unusual but pretty lucky, there is more of us but most of us die before we can make it here" she explained and I smiled "well good thing my uncle had a emergency escape hatch for when his niece gets attacked by a weird monster after school to take her to a place in the middle of the forest" I said and she laughed.

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