Chapter 12

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AN: I'm so sorry everyone I've been busy and yell so yeah, Christmas is coming up so I think I should be finished this book by the but wait I hear a sequel, you must comment and vote for a sequel cause I can't feel the love. Thanks to the kind words, best comment gets a shout out and a cookie so yeah to the chapter


I sat beside the lake, trying to make sense of my life, this prophecy, this scar and this situation. The moon glistened over the waters edge and the stars lit up the night sky, I didn't know how much I missed these types of sights.

I heard a twig snap from behind, I clicked my Sage and flung my sword around, a different blade blocked mine and I relaxed "don't sneak up on me" I said while looking at my faintly glowing silver sword "sorry Lexi, I was just coming out for fresh air" Felix apologised

"what are you thinking about" Felix asked as he took a seat beside me "I'm just thinking about the prophecy, there are holes in it, I don't think it's been completed, I just want something to make sense out of all of this" I said and he smiled "look, I know my prophecy's aren't the clearest but I know that the fatal flaws, choice to tear soul hasn't happened yet, you have been claimed as the only Sky guardian and that means if Alexander does something stupid you are the only person able to destroy him" Felix explained. I nodded and smiled

"Well I know when someone wants privacy, good bye" Felix said while walking off.

I begun to think on wether or not I should go home, will I live a normal life, will I survive with monsters attacking. I know I can't just go day by day surviving but I can't live my life in fear, I don't know why it's such a problem. I told Logan that I will return to school, I will come here during summer but ever since I got this stupid scar I became confused.

I eventually made up my mind, I walked down the stairs and found Neil. He greeted me happily "so when are you moving in to your new room" he asked

"Um actually I'm planning to go home with you tomorrow" I said quietly "Lexi, are you sure" he asked quietly, leading me into the hall way "I'm pretty sure, in that mountain Logan asked me what I was gonna do, I said go back with you, this scar as messed my head up, made me confused but I'm going with my gut and that is going back with you, I mean I'll come here during summer but I need a normal life" I reassured. Neil nodded while giving me a quick hug "your so grounded for going on that quest" Neil said and I laughed

"How bout I take an extra shift at the gym" I tried to negotiate "yeah a free shift with no pay" he joked but I knew he probably was serious.

I walked to my room, if felt homely even though I spent two nights in it. I took a shower and finally felt clean, I put on some ripped up black denim shorts, white singlet and black woollen gloves without the fingers that covered my scar easily. I went to my closet and found a compartment with a tone of silver knives, I packed those in with my duffel bag, I figured it will be good to arm up the house when we get home.

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