Chaper 8

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"What was that" Logan asked with his ears perked up. I listened for a second and heard nothing other than the draft in the tunnel "I don't hear anything" I shrugged. He started to run and we followed. We came across a lagoon that was barley lit, something dark filled the air and I tensed as I saw the walls. Writing that was in an unusual language shifted into English "WARNING SIRENS" it warned. I rushed through my bag and found some tissues and tore them up into ear plugs "quick put these in your ears" I ordered Kelsey

"what why"

"I don't have time, just do it" I yelled. She complied and I did the same. I couldn't hear a thing but I saw something worse. Women with grey skin, seaweed for clothes and razor sharp teeth were talking or from what I concluded singing to Logan who was now swimming towards the jagged rocks from which the monsters took perch.

I jumped into the water and swam towards Logan, he kicked me off and I pulled him under. My ear plugs dissolved enough for me to hear their song. They merged into my parents having a picnic and told me how brave I was. I knew it was a projection and I knew they weren't real but I saw the platter from the picnic my parents were having, it was the shield. I grabbed a piece of seaweed and dove under and tied Logan to a rock, I took away his Sage and went to the surface.

I climbed up the rocks and slipped a few times, my farther opened his arms in embrace but I clicked my Sage and stabbed him. He hissed and turned to black dust, the scene changed back to reality and I fought against the monsters. One of them smiled as it threw a spear. I dodged it and grabbed the shield while killing the last one. I dove back into the dark depths and freed Logan who didn't die. I swam back to shore and placed the shield in Kelsey's bag "oh my god, Lexi you've been stabbed" Kelsey said quickly. I saw my stomach which weeped blood. Logan pulled water out of the lagoon and wrapped the water around my stomach. The wound healed into a neat straight scar only an inch wide "Logan thank you" I whispered he nodded as he helped me up.

I looked around and gave him his Sage back. We walked towards the exit when I heard a familiar voice I turned around. My parents were hand in hand smiling "I'm proud of you" they said in a comforting harmony I smiled and Kelsey shook my shoulder "what is it" she asked I shrugged as my parents disappeared in a white light "nothing, lets get the last shield" I said while walking out.


"Hey Lexi can I walk with you" Logan asked. I gave him a look and stepped back "who are you and what have you done with water boy" I yelled sarcastically, he punched me softly and I nodded "yeah sure" I finally answered. He smiled as we went slightly further than Kelsey "hey Logan can I ask you something" I asked hesitantly. He nodded and I relaxed slightly "what did you hear before the chamber, you ran like the wind" I asked. I saw a nerve twitch and he puffed "I heard an old friend, when we were was eight she was attacked by a monster, she didn't see what actually happened which I'm happy about cause it was horrid but the doctors said she was hit by a truck and I knew the truth" he said lightly muffled with pain "is that what your nightmares are about" I asked. He nodded and I rubbed his back since that was the only thing I could think of "Logan it will be ok, remember that what ever you saw see it as how you should remember her" I advised he shot me some confusion "don't people normally say it wasn't real and not to believe it" he said I smiled and shrugged "the thing is this I saw what you did, well not exactly I saw my parents saying that I was brave and should save you, I wouldn't want to remember that as a monsters trick" I said with a thought.

I racked my brain till I had a light bulb "what is it, not another crazy plan or anything right" he said cautiously I smiled and stopped "Logan 'fatal flaws will rise when unneeded' sirens show you your inner most desires and your flaws, bravery is my flaw that's why they tried to use it against me at the lagoon, they knew I would save you" I resolved he nodded and smiled back "bout time we figured out a part of this thing" he grinned. I laughed with a nod "you know if we survive, were teaching Felix how to be more elaborate about his prophecy's" I suggested everyone nodded and we all cracked up in giggles as we pushed on.


AN: ok hope you enjoyed this chapter, please vote and comment cause I'm not feeling the love and feel like this is t good so spread it, if I get twenty votes and five more comments I shall update love ❤

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