Chapter 9

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AN: before you read I'd like to say thankyou to everyone it is humbling when I hear you like my story so yeah. To the story enjoy.

"Is anyone else starving, why haven't we eaten in ages" I complained Logan nodded and we sat down "Doritos or Smiths" he asked I yanked at the Doritos and inhaled its cheese supreme goodness "you were hungry huh" Kelsey asked and I nodded. We laughed and I felt something "wa, was hat" I said with my mouth full

"Lexi your mouth is full" Logan commented I swallowed my food and stood up feeling a strong breeze "where did that come from" I asked flustered Logan shrugged while eating once again. I looked around holding my sage tight ready for any danger and was thrown backwards by the largest gust of wind I've ever felt. I smashed my head on the wall, completely dazed I felt Logan by my side as I heard a grinding and fainted.


"What, what happened" I croaked quietly while sitting up, Logan pushed me down, I felt my head as it throbbed in pain "what happened where's Kelsey" I asked as my vision cleared "a wall separated us before she could react, I told her to try and go around but I'm scared about if there are any more tigers" he said and I nodded while becoming dizzy once again. Logan handed me some water and I took it quickly not spilling a drop. I handed the bottle back and tried to get up again "your not going anywhere, you are staying here" he instructed

"Logan I got a concussion, I can handle walking for a bit" I smiled. Logan nodded and helped me up. Logan handed me the half eaten Doritos packet and I finished them, giving me some strength "there's a fork at the end of this tunnel I say we go left to meet up with Kelsey" he said and I shook my head "no we have to go right" I refused

"Lexi your concussed, excused me but were going left" he said stubbornly. I shook my head picked up my bag and went right anyway, Logan was trailing me quickly.

"Lexi come back" Logan yelled

"Logan I didn't hear you could you please speak without whining" I yelled back

"Lexi I knew you were stubborn but your just being a pain, turn around" he continued

"Logan I have a bad feeling about going left ok, trust me right is the safest route to our last chamber" I insisted and he nodded "if we get screwed over I'm throwing you to the wolves" he said and I smiled

"Is that really necessary, after all I'm gonna be right" I said whilst shrugging. He gave in and followed my lead "are you sure your ok" Logan asked worryingly and I gave him a quick glare "I'm fine why do you care so much" I asked, it may have been the lack of light or the fact I hit my head but I could have sworn I saw him blush "cause I don't want to have to drag you body though this place" he said bitterly and with denial, I smiled knowing there was most defiantly more to his story.


"Will you stop your whining, I'm the one who got smacked in the head" I yelled at Logan as he complained once again "I really have to stop I feel like I don't have air left to breathe please can we stop"

"Logan no, I'm not tired and if I'm not neither are you, your stronger than me mr winger" I mocked at him, he stamped his foot "Lexi you got to feel at least be out of breath" he asked

"Logan to be honest I'm wondering how you are cause I'm completely fine" I answered, he looked at me in complete amazement and paused with a stupid look on his face "please can we stop" he whined again

"without Kelsey your a pain in my ass, where's that girl when you need her" I said in frustration.

"Did you feel that" I asked as I felt a pull in my stomach. Logan shook his head and I looked hard at the end of the tunnel, a small dim light flickered "over there" I said at the thought of Kelsey. We ran and took a hard turn left , and into our chamber. I came to a skidding halt while slamming on my stomach and grabbing Logan by the hand before he could fall away from the abyss's side "your a heavy dude" I complained under his weight

"hey no need to be mean about it" he said and I dug my feet into the ground a bit more.

"Seriously dude you have to be able to pull your self up, or learn to fly" I yelled through my clamped jaw. Logan slipped again as if something was pulling him in "Logan is there a ledge or something I can drop you on" I asked as beads of sweat pouring off me "yeah about five meters away" he yelled while slipping again

"I'm chucking you" I yelled while swinging him, he moved with me and slipped out of my grasp landing in the ledge "thank god that's over" I said while smiling and he did to "yeah but how do I get up" he asked, I saw the predicament and thought of a plan "um how about the Earth shield" I asked while pulling it out and holding it in my hands "come on please work" I said quietly. It glowed a vibrant green and Logan was flung into the air and landed next to me "the rock threw me" he said in shock. I put the shield behind my back guilty and he pursed his lips while ripping I out of my hands and putting it in his bag "no more Earth shield for you" he scolded

"yes dad" I said and he laughed.

After that little drama we finally took in our surrounding. A huge rounded off dome roof connected one side to another with the abyss in the middle, the room buzzed with electricity and excitement "so how do we get across" I asked and Logan gave me a quick glare "why do we need to cross" he asked and I shrugged

"do you see the shield here, no well guess what that means its on the other side" I concluded. He nodded at my logic "I don't know, but guess what I'm not jumping" he said with his arms cross, looking over at the foot ball field sized canyon.

We though hard for a few second till we heard a growl from the darkness below "um what was that" I asked stunned Logan shrugged while grabbing his bag "nope and I'm not waiting here to find out" he answered. For once I agreed with him. We went for the exit that we came through when we heard the growl right behind us. My neck hairs (not that I have any) stood on end as I turned around to see a pissed off fairly big Dragon. It was cold black, had green eyes that had circle pupils even though it was a reptile and a rounded shaped head with short pointy teeth that still looked deadly, pure black bat wings only thicker and more durable. A thick long tail that where it went thin and skinny had paper fan like wings on the end, probably for stability and strong legs.

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