Chapter 5

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We traveled through the tunnels for about an hour and a half till we saw a light. I started to feel a pull in my gut and my skin tingled at some sort of power. We walked into a chamber which was a beautiful lagoon. Crystal clear water, a small water fall, wild flowers around the out skirts of the water and all of this was some how illuminated by a crystal blue light that was pale like a full moon. We walked around the lake and couldn't remove our smiles "this is amazing" I said out loud

"yep amazing, hey Logan" she said back but we got not reply.

"Um where's Logan" I asked. We looked around and saw Logan's bag by the waters edge "you got to be kidding me, why would he go for a swim" I asked, Kelsey nodded as she figured it out "Logan said tones of Guardians have died cause there drawn to the shields power"

"and it's traps, you know how to swim" I asked and she nodded.

I striped down to my sports top and shorts and dove in with my glow stick in my teeth. Kelsey and I swam deeper and deeper till we came across a small cave. We felt a pull in the water and was pushed towards the cave.

We both exploded through the cave and onto a hot dry room that felt as though it suffocated us of all moisture. Logan laid on the ground holding his throat and gasping for water "what's wrong with him" I asked

"he needs water but we left our bags behind" she said

"and we can't go back cause of the waters pull" I replied dryly.

I looked around frantically and saw the walls. I felt them and they were cool "Kelsey the walls are cold, that means there's water behind it" I resolved she smiled and clicked her Sage revealing her bow. She grabbed a arrow with an unusual tip and she released her tensed bow sting. She pulled me down and an explosion hit the cave. Water poured in and Logan gasped like he couldn't stop "was the talking really necessary" he yelled and I shrugged as I saw something behind him. It glimmered with a silver blue "get up" I yelled. He complied and I grabbed the metal piece and felt power rush through me. It had the same symbol Logan had on his wrist "well I found our first piece" I announced.

Logan went to grab it but I pulled it away "Logan this thing almost killed you, I'll hold it" I said and he nodded. The water current blow hole thing stopped churning so we dove in and was half way on the way to the top till we felt something move from behind. I shrugged but we felt it again.

We grabbed our Sages and I was pushed back, dropping the piece of the shield. I hit a rock and saw my attacker. A women but had dark green scaly skin that glimmered with gold, webbed hands with deadly talons, shark like teeth, yellow piercing eyes and a barracuda tail instead if legs. I felt her push my chest and push the air out if my lungs. My head bled which didn't help my lack of oxygen. I reached for my sword and stabbed her quickly. She hissed and returned to the depths.

Logan caught me before I could faint and helped me to the surface, holding the piece of the shield in his other hand. "That was nothing like the little mermaid stupid Ariel" I spat and we ran to the shore. Kelsey was laying down huffing quickly "had fun" she asked sarcastically, I laughed and chucked the shield piece in my duffle bag "one down four to go" I said simply.

"so where do you wanna go, psycho lagoon or some other death trap" I asked

"how about some other death trap, just for fun" Logan answered.

I lead the way through darkness again while grabbing another glow stick.

Guardians: Shield of KelopeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang