Chapter 6

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We decided to rest in a corridor since we didn't want any more encounters with monsters "so what do you think is our next chamber" I asked, Logan didn't pay much attention. He seemed like there was something bothering him "um probably either fire or earth" Kelsey eventually answered. I nodded and smiled a fake smile. I was slowly started to think of everything even things I have pushed aside, like my parents death, did they die because of me or was it because they might have been Guardians, who knows but this was clouding my judgement and I didn't need it.


I woke up holding my wrist once again, it started to burn lightly. Kelsey was awake and smiled at me "hey your awake" she smiled, I nodded faintly and smiled back "hey how about we get a move on, I think we've been asleep long enough" I recommended.

I shook Logan and he jumped "hey what the heck was that for" he yelled and I laughed "pay backs a bitch huh, come on we should get a move on, if these chambers are that bad we should get a move on, who wants to follow their senses" I replied. No one put their hands up so I huffed "fine, dam I wish I took that yoga class, I can't relax to save my life in here" I complained as I breathed in slowly and allowed my mind to clear but all I felt was hot "it's too hot" I twitched while taking off my thin green and black flannel "wait hot, the next chamber in the fire one, man am I good" I smiled while getting up "yeah yeah, your good, what direction" Logan said frustrated "left we go left" I answered.


"I asked for medium rare not well done" I said while looking at the lava pit "well you were right, were in the fire chamber" Logan commented, I turned around holding my chest "I'm hurt that you doubted me" I said dramatically. I smiled and turned back to the situation "ok we have a lava put with no way to cross, ideas"I asked and Kelsey shrugged "I can't grow a vine to swing across, I don't think any type of plant or animal could survive this" she huffed

"water would just evaporate unless its a large mass, and I'm dying here" he said while gulping water. They both looked at me and I put my hands up "hey don't look at me, I don't have frekin super powers"

"well do you have an idea, it's saved us a few times" Kelsey asked and Logan laughed "yeah and nearly killed us during them, not including her self but maybe a crazy idea will help" he pushed out like it was painful. I stared to really get pissed off "hey don't forget that the only reason your here is because of you genius brain on this hell hole, so start making some use" I yelled he shoved me and I shoved him back.

We almost punched each other till Kelsey smiled "guys look at the lava" she said. We both stopped and looked. Two door sized rocks floated on the lava "guys they popped up when you fought" she devised. We both smiled and jumped on the rocks and started to bicker "your a pathetic worthless surf head" I yelled and he laughed "and your a douche bag that can't read" he yelled back. We jumped on the next one.

We were down to one more rock when we both went blank "I got nothing you" I asked. He shook his head and I nodded "well I got a crazy idea" I said while jumping quickly. I forward rolled on the ground and smiled "I knew you were good for nothing" he yelled but not another block piped up "it must need a come back say something" he yelled

"Dude I got nothing why do you think I jumped, come on" I gestured with a wave. He took a deep breath and jumped while landing on his butt. Kelsey was last, she jumped but barley made it. I got up and grabbed her hand before she could fall. She leant backwards with her feet on the edge "thanks" she said and I shrugged "no biggy".

I pulled Kelsey in and we smiled when we saw a circular piece the size of a dinner plate like the other. But this was made of stone not metal "this is exactly the same as the other one" Logan said

"well what do we do now" Kelsey said as she tried to pull up the stone but it never budged.

I went through my memories and figured something out "before the water hit the floor and the piece appeared, what if it's similar" I said while walking up to Logan "do you have water left" I asked and he nodded while pulling it out of his water bottle and let it float in mid air. I grabbed my sage and pressed the button.

I dunked the the end of the sword in the lava and tapped the rock with the blade. Red flairs lit up in the engravings and edge. It turned into a copper circle with a symbol on it. Logan bent the water around my sword and my sword lit up a bright silver. It faded and my sword returned to its former silver not red hot metal "that was easy" I said while grabbing the shield piece and chucked it in Kelsey's bag. I grabbed my sage, put in in handle form and put it in my waist strap "ouch" I said and got some looks

"what it's hot" I shrugged.

We hopped our way back and almost left till the lava moved "oh come on, isn't the lava enough" I complained. We starred at the lava when a dog that glowed popped up "I thought you said no animal could live in here" I yelled "I never said anything about animals made of Lava" Kelsey yelled back "well I ain't cutting through that, I just got attacked to this sword" I yelled again as the dog growled at me.

It pounced and I back flipped "I say run!" I yelled as we bolted out of the chamber. The wall became cold once again and I smiled "Kelsey get an explosive arrow and shoot at the wall" I yelled. She did as I said and water poured. The dog turned to stone and we were swept off our feet "Logan help" I exclaimed he laughed and stopped the waters flow "well that was easy" I said while ringing out my hair "you say that every time something was hard" he scolded and I nodded "to lighten the mood water boy" I retaliated and we all laughed while grabbing our bags.

Guardians: Shield of KelopeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang