A bit crazy

36 4 11

If you have ever been around an actor you know many of us are a bit hyper and/or overconfident. While acting you are taught "confidence is key". Sometimes when we do this enough we end up applying it to our daily lives. When one applies this to life they can become a little well... Weird. This is often due to the fact that we don't care what people think. I personally realize to many I am strange and I can be loud sometimes (thank you friends for not abandoning me in a ditch because of my weirdness).

Just because an actor is strange, loud or overconfident that doesn't mean you should avoid them. Sometimes people like that can make great friends. You will be thought of as the NORMAL friend (unless you are an insane frog obsessed hobbit who is in a relationship with a jellybean named Fred). People who act can be caring and kind as well. Often they can be really motivational. Don't block people put because of their weirdness; actor or not.

Disclaimer: I am not a scientist. I am a young person and these are just opinion and not scientific fact. I have homework. I don't have time to take surveys about this stuff.

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