Random bursts of musicalness

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This chapter is dedicated to my fellow vampiric writer FantasyAddict99 and my most favoritest friend Hanna because she is cool even though she has nothing to do with this chapter (I wonder who wrote that).

Sometimes actors burst out in song from musicals they have been in, are in or have seen. Sometimes a phrase will trigger it or they will just feel like it. So called "normal people" think this is weird.
(Except now she joins me in many songs)
It is not weird. When you get songs I'm your head you want to sing them (even if you don't). ACTORS WILL (not all of them but many) this makes me incredibly HAPPY ALL THE TIME HAPPY ALL THE TIME (don't sue me please)

These random bursts increase dramatically right after a show, usually during post show sadness.
Today I counted how many musicals I sang songs from. It is 3:30 and there are 9 so far. Gosh my peers must hate me. I bet they feel LOATHING UNADULTERATED LOATHING! (I seriously don't have a lawyer)

Random show tunes just seem to come to me.

All the world's a stage and with that I end this page.

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