I want to be on stage

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I found this picture on Pinterest so it isn't mine.

When an actor haven't acted for a while (Ex: 1 week) an actor just wants to act. They want to be on stage as someone else and just immerse them self in a character.

I met someone who joked about acting being a drug. I will call him Mr. Carl (idk why). Mr. Carl said he started acting when his friends introduced him to a gateway drug called "auditions". Mr. Carl then got hooked and did show after show.

I thought this analogy was hilarious but it really is true. Acting gets individuals hooked and they don't want to stop. Luckily acting is good for you, unlike drugs.

In the periods between performances an actor just wants to be on stage because of all the good experiences they get from it. It's like acting Isnt a hobby; it is a way of life.

All the world's a stage and with that I end this page.

P.S. Don't do drugs

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