Chapter 9 Pain of separation

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Well my writing skills seems to be a bit... Ok, they are worse. I make typos, I screw my grammar but still I write and I enjoy it.

And I really enjoyed writing it. In my last chapter, I had no idea what to write but somehow I managed to pull it off. I hope this chapter make up for last chapter.

After the fight, Tony locked himself in the room. Rhodey and Pepper didn't realize it untill next day, when Tony didn't open his room even after Rhodey called him several times.

"I'm not coming out until Pepper apologizes to Keisha." 

"What? Well that's not gonna happen, Tony. Forget about it!" Rhodey shouted from outside.

"Then I'm not gonna open!"

Rhodey bumped the door a few more times but Tony didn't open. Tony Stark was stubborn and he made sure people know it.

Rhodey went straight to Pepper's room, where he saw Pepper sitting on her bed in an entranced state.

"Pepper this is getting worse. First his accident and now Keisha?"

"I lost him Rhodey." Pepper said, a tear rolled down her cheeks.

"Pepper? What are you doing? Whatever he said was not from his sane state of mind, You know what we are dealing here with but still you..?!" Rhodey spoke while sitting in front of her.

"What do you want me to do? Hand him over to Keisha or just keep him away from the whole world like this forever, We don't even know on how long this can go."

"Pepper doctor Hank called in, he said that he'll figure out something... "

But things were just on the verge of going down.

Tony stopped eating. On the third day they had to put him in hospital...

It was all same again. He was drifted off in deep sleep on a hospital bed. Pepper was sitting on the couch, she had no smile left on her face. She looked like a corpse with pale skin and dark circles under her eyes.

The words of doctor kept repeating in her mind about Tony's mental condition.

She looked at her phone, dialled a number.

"I want you to come here as soon as possible" She spoke no expressions on her face.

Within minutes, Keisha was standing in the room.

"This is what you always wanted, Keisha, isn't it?" Pepper pointed at Tony, whose was breathing very slow.

Keisha looked at him and a tear rolled down her cheek.

"What else do you want Keisha?" Pepper spoke with a very patronising tone. 

"I love him, Pepper!" Keisha's voice failed her as she choked on her own tears.

Pepper was shocked and confused at the same time by her behaviour.

"What's the trick Keisha?" She looked at her with eyes full of disbelief.

"Yes, I know Pepper I deserve to be doubted but I fell in love with Tony, the day I kissed him."

Pepper opened her mouth to say something but Keisha continued...

"I know that whatever I did was bad but it breaks my heart to see him like this. If you want me to stay away from him, I will Pepper but you just take care of him is what I want. You know him better, you know his needs better. I can never take your place but I... I'll just leave Pepper... You will never see me around him, Pepper!" She said while holding her sobs.

She started to leave but Pepper stopped her.

"I don't believe a word out of your mouth Keisha. It's my bad luck that Tony... He loves you. For now, I want his happiness and his happiness is you. He needs you..." Pepper had a smile of irony.

"For now, he is all yours Keisha. Take care of him!" With that Pepper left.

But last time she had a look at Tony, who was lying motionless and Keisha, who was caressing his cheeks with pads of her fingers.

It crushed her heart and burnt her soul. She just left. She had no courage to stay there and see Tony with some one else. She took car and drove off, in the back of her head she was trying to remember a place where she could find some peace.

She stopped car and within few minutes of walk she was at the beach. It was dark but the drowning sun was doing its best to keep the sky lighted. The sky had a shade of orange and the blue sea was just the prominent sight but still it was doing no good to Pepper.

Everything looked calm and serene while cold breeze touched her face. Surprisingly she wasn't crying at all. May be she had accepted it all. She closed her eyes and her mind took her few months ago.

She was in the same place, Tony hugging her from behind. Kissing her neck but everything vanished and she knew that somewhere it was her fault too. She wanted the relation to end and now everything was finished...

"Tony Stark is not mine anymore!" She thought to herself.

And walked back to car. She had three missed call from Rhodey but she still didn't call him back.

She had made decision to forget Tony.

Damn! It is tough to write sad scenes.

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