Chapter 10 Life upside down

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Things started moving on. Tony and Keisha were together now. Tony stopped troubling Pepper and Rhodey, instead he seemed happy and content all the time. Keisha and Tony met everyday, everything was smooth or all of it was just a myth!

Pepper was now a changed person. She became a workaholic, an unreasonable, dictating boss. Everyone at office started fearing her. She was like a Nazi in skirts. However, somewhere deep down, her love for Tony was still alive that made her leave work at time everyday and rush to home at night where she could have dinner with Tony. Though, Keisha would always be there, she was the one making dinner for Tony but sharing the same dinner table with the love of her life seemed enough to Pepper.

One Day

Pepper was doing something on her laptop when her mobile rang and a smile crept on her lips. The call was from Rhodey!

"Hey! Pep... How's it going?" Rhode's voice from other side made her smile like anything.

"Everything is fine Rhodey. How are you and when are you going to be back?" Pepper spoke while typing something into her Mac.

"Tomorrow "Miss entrepreneur of the year". Congratulations!"

"So, if you know about it, you should have been here, Rhodey. I wanted you to be here tonight." She had a smile on her face but the sadness was apparent.

Though she said that she needed Rhodey for awards but the truth was that her soul was longing for someone to hold her up. She was calm on the outside but may be even she wasn't aware of the fact that inside her soul was screaming. Its been 5 months since the accident, since she and Tony drifted apart.

She hung up the phone after talking for a few more minutes and looked at the watch. It was 12, she left for Stark Towers, she had to get ready for the award's night.

The moment she stepped out, everyone froze at their place. To them, Adolf left her cabin. They greeted her but when she left, everyone took sigh of relief. Such was the fear of Pepper now. Well, she had to be like this as she was all alone and taking care of the entire Stark empire was not a child's play.

She pulled in driveway of Stark towers. She saw Keisha and Tony sitting on the couch, Keisha was dressing a small wound on Tony's forehead, while he  winced in pain.

"What happened now?" Pepper spoke while going to the Bar. She sounded worried but didn't go to check. May be she had this laid back attitude because of the fact that Keisha was there for Tony or May be she thought that Tony no more belonged to her. Well, to her, both were true.

"I told him about tonight. So Mister went take shower and then I heard a thud and found this..." She looked with mocking anger at Tony on which he just nervously grinned back.

"But I'm telling you that I saw a girl in the mirror and I got scared... and then slipped." Tony huffed out.

"Yeah! Yeah! A girl now go and try out the tuxedo. Its on your bed."

He just left when realised that no one would listen to him. She went up to Pepper, who was smiling at them holding a glass of martini.

"He is just so..." Keisha started but was cut off...

"Adorable! You always say that no matter what he does." Pepper smiled at her. On which Keisha just smiled back nervously.

They both went to sofa.

"Why you always get scared around me Keisha?" Pepper said while relaxing herself on sofa.

"I'm not scared pepper. It's just that I feel guilty for being here with Tony. You should have been here." Keisha said while playing with her manicured nails in nervousness. She didn't make any eye contact with Pepper.

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