The knowing!

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Pepper woke up in Tony's bed. She didn't realize where she was untill she looked around. Her head was pounding.

She sat and looked around, her vision was still blurry. She rubbed her eyes.

Then one by one last night's events started flashing in front of her eyes...

"Tony!" She called Tony after recalling everything she did to him. She searched him everywhere but he was no where to be found...

"What's wrong Pepper?" Rhodey had just entered but when saw Pepper's condition, he was bound to ask...

Pepper cried her eyes out, She told everything...

"You called Keisha?" Rhodey asked Pepper after hearing everything...

But then Pepper's phone rang...

It was Keisha. Pepper picked it instantly...

"Looking for someone Pepper?" Keisha's voice had a different tone today...

"Is Tony with you?" Pepper Panicked...

"He is... And from now on he is never going to come back Pepper!" Keisha sounded herself after so long time...

"What do you mean Keisha...?" Pepper's crying was now halted by Keisha's dubious talks...

"Pepper Pepper Pepper... How can you be so naive... You thought that I'm changed, How could you Pepper, How could you... It was tough... Faking that I don't hate you... Faking that I'm changed, faking that I cared for Tony!... "

"What are you trying to say Keisha??" Pepper was loosing her cool...

"Strange... I thought that Tony turned 7 year old in the accident... But seems like you too have some defect in your brain circuits because how difficult it is for you to understand that I was lying the whole time... I never loved Tony.. God!! He's so annoying as a kid... I never cared for him... I hid Tony's condition from Media because I was playing for something big Pepper... I have your Tony with me, I have your Tony pepper!"

"I'll kill you Keisha!!" Pepper was now fully overpowered by her anger...

"No you won't Pepper because I have Tony and I can kill him... I know Pepper that before accident you and Tony loved each other more than anything in the world, he was your prized possession... but did you ever realized what he thought of you?... Nanny pepper, you were his mere Nanny in true sense... Nanny to an orphan Tony..."

"Yes because I love him Keisha and you don't! You don't even know the meaning of love Keisha..." Pepper tried to keep it as harsh as possible...

"You love him Pepper, I know but you hurt him... He was crying Pepper... He said that he hates you and never going back to you... Tsk tsk... " She patronized Pepper... But this time she hit in the right spot. Pepper's eyes filled with tears on hearing about Tony...

"I'll just have to hang up Pepper... He is in my bedroom... I don't want to make him wait any longer... Bye Pepper!" And she hung up...

But her eyes shot wide when she saw Tony standing on the door with anger clearly flashing in his eyes...

"What ha.. Happened Tony..." She stammered... She still was trying to fake being nice with a smile but Tony had heard everything...

"You don't love me!!" Tony yelled at her making her shiver with horror...

"Its not true!" She was unbelievable...

"I heard you..." With that he picked a vase and threw at her but she moved ducked...

"Are you out of your mind???" She was shocked...

"I was... I trusted you...!" while yelling he looked for something to throw at her...

The Little Stark  (A Tony Stark & Pepper 'Virginia' Potts Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now