Chapter 13 The final showdown...

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I'm sorry for the late update. I was thinking of ways to keep it running, but all good things come to an end.

The sparkling rays of sun were filtered by the curtains, touching Pepper's face. It had the shine of contentment. The clouds of despair seemed gone, seemed.

She opened her eyes to see a naked back laying next to her. It was Tony. She smiled and cuddled him, in response Tony held her tightly in his embrace while still being in the slumber, his hands were around her waist.

"I don't know if you are that 7 year old or my Tony. I'll never ever let you go." She said to herself.

After few minutes pepper gently removed his hand from her belly and moved out of the room. She poured some coffee when an empty bottle of scotch took her attention rolling on the floor.

She went and picked it up.

"It all started from you. And finished at you! May be you are not that bad!" She smiled to herself.

Thinking of the every moment from last night... But Then she saw Rhodey came running from downstairs... 

He was panicked and was out of breath... 

"What's wrong Rhodey...?" Pepper had a voice full of concern...  

"This!" Rhodey exclaimed while switching the television set on. There was a herd of reporters standing in the front door of Stark Tower 

"Keisha took her revenge Pepper, she published all photos and news about Tony... This is Stark Tower and a number of reporters are standing on the entrance... They all want to know about Tony... " Rhodey himself was panicked but now Pepper to seemed perturbed... 

"What do we do now..." She held her forehead... 

He locked Tony... 

"Why did you...?" Pepper questioned his act... 

"We have to cover up this thing... We cannot let media see Tony like this...."  

"But we have to address media!"  

After a couple of hours Rhodey and Pepper were sitting in front of a press conference.... 

"When were you planning to break this news Miss Potts" A girl asked from the herd of reporters.... 

There was a person from almost every news channel to cover this breaking news... 

"How you people validate any of the fact..." but she was cut off by a voice from the back side of the crowd... 

"You should have seen today's edition of New York Daily Miss Potts ... If you haven't then may be this will be enough to prove Tony's mental conditions!" And with that Keisha passed few pictures of Tony and Her in elicit manner then the mental health record of Him... 

.... She had the devilish smirk on her face that made Pepper boil in anger... 

"You are answerable to the Stark board...!"  

After that she kept throwing questions at Pepper and Rhodey but they were not able to answer any of them... It was time to give up... 

"Miss Potts! We now want to meet mister stark...!"  

Pepper and Rhodey looked at each other... 

"What happened Miss Potts... Now we know everything, you owe us an explanation here, don't you?" 

"No! She doesn't!"  

And everyone turned to see the Tony Stark, in all his glory smirking at crowd holding a glass of scotch in on left hand and wearing a repulsor  on right hand.

His entrance had shocked everyone. Everyone looked at him with jaws dropped.

He walked to Rhodey and Pepper while smirking at them. He turned around to face the crowd... 

"I heard all your unjustified and insignificant questions and I don't think Pepper is answerable to anyone... " He winked at Pepper on which she gaped...  

"You were sick... And I was there Tony!" Keisha leashed out when saw her defeat approaching her...  

"Oww!! What's that on your head!" Tony yelled with a disgusted face... 

"You hit me with keys"  

And everyone laughed... Except Tony, he rolled his eyes... 

"Keisha! You sound delusional... Your pictures true indeed!"  

Every started to mumble on hearing that... 

"But I don't see that picture... That dirty one here!" Tony grimaced at Keisha while Keisha just felt embarrassed... Pepper held a laugh... 

"These medical reports!! Deny these too Tony!"  

"Ok! They are fake!" Tony simply took a sip and did as he was told to... 

"Arrgh!... This is not happening ... !" Keisha lost her temper ...  

"I think you need doctor... You should better go and start some medication rather than wasting our time... " He said with constant hand gestures... 

Everyone left after apologizing to Tony and Pepper... But Keisha remained their... she got a call from 'New York Daily' ... She lost hr job... 

"That was smart Pepper... Or may I just call it sheer luck?" She tried every bit to piss off Pepper ... 

But Tony intervened and stood as a concrete wall between her and Pepper...  

"You may call it love Keisha! "  

Keisha just smiled and left... Knowing the fact that she was defeated... 

Now, there were just three people there... Rhodey and Pepper... 

Pepper and Rhodey approached Tony from both sides, they definitely weren't in a mood of happy reunion... 

He was standing in the centre while both of them had serious look on their faces... 

"I'm back guys! I woke up and... I was fine...I... I had to blow the door off... Why are you looking at me like this?" He smiled at both of them but felt awkward when none of them replied... 

"So, You are alright now... Right?" Rhodey asked with a plastered smile on his face...  

"Yeah... I guess?" He started getting negative vibes from Rhodey...  

And within seconds Tony got a blow from Rhodey making him fall on the ground holding his jaw... 

"What was that for????" Tony yelled still in the same position...  

"Do you really want me to answer that question, huh?"  

"I guess not!" He got up... He turned to Pepper and got a tight slap from her... 

"I think I know about this one.!" He said holding his cheek... 

On which Pepper couldn't help herself smile... She hugged him, he made her feel better by tightening his embrace a bit... Rhodey felt the need of letting these two have a little time together... 

"I missed you Tony!"  

"I didn't!"  

Pepper looked at him surprised... 

"Yes! I remember everything that happened in these five months Pep... How you took care of me, how you gave up on everything to see me smiling, how you..." He pointed at his bruised lips, reminding her of the night she beat him...  

She felt her cheeks go red... 

"Would you ever forgive me for what I did?"  Tony asked her while holding her face in her hands...

"Sshhh!! Just hold me. I don't want anymore fights, complaints. I just want you... "  Pepper said looking into his eyes... 

"I'm here Pep... Always... And your forehead!" He referred to the bulge that he himself  gave her...

Sorry guys... I'm ending it. But I'll soon come up with a sequel I think...

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