The Misadventures of Mall

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Here is another chapter guys. I realize that people like it... But not voting or commenting... So I have really started feeling a little discouraged, if I don't get any feedback or comment or vote (A hint that you liked it). I'll not publish further...:[ :[ (this WAS the most stupid thing to say)


Pepper pulled in the driveway of Stark Towers. The moment Tony stepped out of car, his jaw dropped to see the gigantic tower.

"What is this place?" Tony said while looking up.

"Just get inside. Fast. It’s getting dark!" Pepper snapped at Tony while going inside. She looked like a corpse. It was clear that she was trying to suppress her anger  

Tony just followed quietly.

When Pepper got inside, she saw Rhodey already on the couch who got up to take the humongous shopping bags from her. He was shocked to see pepper with a swelled forehead, her hair was messy and her blouse had dirty spots like someone splashed something on her.

"What took you people so long and... What's that on your forehead?" Rhodey said while staring at the huge swell on Pepper's forehead... Then a laugh appeared from behind that was of Tony's.

Pepper already had a serious expression on her face; worsen up by Tony's laugh... 

She turned to Tony and Tony just muffled his laugh with both hands... 

"You can go to your room, Tony." She said in an ordering tone.

"I don't feel sleepy yet and besides that I don't know where my room is..."  

Rhodey was confused on Pepper's behavior towards Tony...  

"Follow me..." Pepper took lead and Tony stuck his tongue out on her from behind... 

“I saw that” Pepper said without turning to him...  

"This is your room... Change to your PJs and if anything happens, I warn you Tony... You are going to spend rest of your life locked in this room..." 

"You are a bad nanny!!!" Tony frowned but Pepper banged the door on his face... 

"What did I miss?" Rhodey asked while handing Pepper a glass of wine...  

"I need poison!" She downed the glass in one sip and went to the bar... 

"What happened to you exactly...? You look like you have been hit by a bus..." he was totally confused... 

"You really want to know?" She said while taking out ice from the icebox and putting it on her bruised forehead... 

Rhodey didn't answer as he was too lost in staring the swell on Pepper's forehead... 

"Will please stop staring it??" Pepper said with a frown... 

"How can I not stare at it... IT. IS. HUGE!"  

"You know what, just forget it... I had a long day... I'm going to sleep..." Pepper felt offended... 

"Ok! ok!... Tell me what happened... Where were you two the whole day...?"  

Pepper took a sigh... And placed herself comfortably on sofa...  

"When I reached parking lot in the hospital... I saw Keisha and Tony kissing each other... " 

"What???" Rhodey exclaimed... 

"No the story of "Worst day of my life" has started Rhodey... You better take a seat..." 

Rhodey placed himself on the sofa as Pepper gestured him to... 

"We were in the car, when Tony threw the metal keys at me (Pointed at her forehead)... Then because of Mr. Mechanic's expertise... The car is now wrecked... We were in the car when...." 

The Little Stark  (A Tony Stark & Pepper 'Virginia' Potts Fan Fiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant