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[AN: I'm publishing this again because apparently people couldn't see it but everything is the same]

"Let's go home Zayn" Jason said as his friend raised a brow, "did you talk to him?" he asked "no" Jason said with a sigh.

"What? No! Not until you talk to him!" "I met his son!" Jason said as Zayn's eyes widened, "what happened?" "he asked for my number" Jason blushed, "and you gave it to him didn't you?" Zayn said as Jason nodded.

"Okay let's go" Zayn said and the boss walked into the kitchen, "waiter! What are you doing here?! Go deliver this tray to table one!" the boss gave Jason a tray as his eyes widened, "who drinks that much alcohol?" Zayn's eyes widened and Jason was pushed outside into the ball room.

Jason walked around with a tray and his mask over his face, looking at each number on each table as he walked around.

Jason finally found the table and put down the tray, "hi Rob" Alex said as Jason looked up at the younger boy, "who's this?"

Jason's eyes widened at the sight of Justin.

Justin had his hair perfect pushed back as he sat down, wearing a navy suit and skinny dress pants. Jason was lost at words, he stuttered as his jaw dropped and Alex smirked at the man for the way he was looking at his dad, the way Leo has never looked at Justin.

"He's a waiter, I met him in the stalls" Alex said as Justin raised a brow and laughed, "I'm Justin" he introduced himself with a grin.

"I know" Jason said and Justin raised a brow, "I-I mean uh hi" Jason said. "You sound familiar" Justin said and was cut off by Leo. "What did I tell you about making friends with the poor?" Leo said as he grabbed Justin's arm, "I-I'm sorry" Justin said in fear as Jason glared at the man.

"Run along now, there's nothing to see here" Leo told him as Jason rolled his eyes before leaving.

"Why do you always have to be so rude? because they don't have as much money as we do? So what? They're human, not monsters" Alex said as he glared at his father. "Stay out of--" "have a drink!" Justin cut off Leo and the man quickly grabbed the alcohol as he chugged it down.

Jason rushed into the kitchen and grabbed Zayn's hand, "let's go!" he said as they rushed out the building.

"What happened? You look like you just saw a ghost" Zayn said, "I saw him" Jason said as the men stood outside and Jason leaned back against the wall.

"He was absolutely breath taking" Jason said as he put his hand over his chest, "how did you feel?" Zayn asked.

"Like I just fell in love all over again" Jason said as Zayn smiled, "let's get you home buddy! It's an hour drive" Zayn said as the men walked towards the car.


Leo lied in bed as Justin let out a sigh, shaking his head at the passed out man before stepping into the bathroom.

Justin turned on the water in the tub and pulled his clothes off, the man stepped in the shower as the make up on his body ran down his legs and hands, blending in with the water and Justin's dark purple and green bruises revealed on his thighs, his wrists, and his stomach as the man closed his eyes to let out a sigh of relief.

Alex lied down in bed as he stared at the balcony, looking at the stars in the sky as he held his watch tightly.

Alex couldn't stop thinking about Rob, the way he looked at his dad made him realize that maybe his father didn't love Justin at all.

Alex wants to know why his father drinks so much, and why did Rob look at his dad like they've known each other forever?

The boy had so many questions and he knew there were many secrets going around, and he planned on finding that out from now on, Alex planned on talking to Rob again.


"I can't believe you, Jason! You completely ditched me! Leaving me all alone at the fucking airport looking stupid! Waiting for someone that was never going to show up, what the hell is wrong with you?!" Selena shouted at her boyfriend as Jason only stared at her, shrugging his shoulders.

"That's it? You're not even going to say anything?" "What do you want me to say, Selena?!" Jason spike up, "the truth! Where you were!" "I was with Zayn!" "doing what?!"

"Zayn had an emergency and he needed me Selena, I'm sorry! I'm sorry I didn't answer your calls! I'm sorry that I bailed on you! I'm sorry I didn't tell you where I was going and why I waited so long to tell you!" Jason said as he thought of Justin.

Selena's expression softened as she sighed, "whatever I'm going to bed.. We'll talk in the morning, but tonight you sleep on the couch" she said before leaving as Jason just watched her and sighed.

Jason knew he was absolutely screwed unless he told her about Justin but that would make shit worse for him.


Hi hello, thanks for reading cuties ❤️

He. [Jastin] Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora