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Alex sat between Jason and Justin as they ate their meals, the awkward tension was too obvious.

Although Alex had just witnessed a beautiful scene, the married couple didn't know what to say next, they were caught up in a moment where they were happy to see each other again.

"I'm going to the restroom" Alex said and stood up to leave the couple alone.

Justin watched Alex leave and sighed, "where did you go?" he asked as Jason only shrugged. "So that's it?" Justin rolled his eyes, "you won't believe me" Jason spoke.

"Try me" Justin said.

"Did you receive a text from me saying 'I'm here'?" Jason asked and Justin nodded as he remembered the moment he left his siblings in pure confusion to search for Jason.

"You texted me saying to meet you at the empty parking lot by the dock because you had an emergency" Jason said, "I-I didn't.. I-I left my phone.. and Leo gave it back to me" Justin said in realization.

"It was Leo" Jason said as Justin's eyes widened, "oh my god" he said.

Alex came back as he sighed, "what did I miss!" he smiled.

"Let's go walk around the garden" Justin said as Alex smiled, "sounds fun!" he said and Jason walked towards Justin as he grabbed his hand, Justin smiled as he intertwined their fingers and held Alex's hand with his free hand.

Alex smiled as he grabbed his camera and walked towards the pond with his camera.

"What now?" Jason said, "I don't know Jason.. I'm a married man, I can't just run off with you" Justin said as Jason raised a brow, "you're married to me.. I don't see a problem with running off with your husband" Jason said as Justin sighed, "oh right.. Shit I'm sorry Jase" he said "it's okay" he said.

"But Alex really loves Leo--" "no I don't!" Alex cut off.

Jason chuckled as Justin rolled his eyes playfully, "well.. I need to think Jase" he said as Jason nodded in understanding.

"I want you two to stay in touch" Alex said as he grabbed a phone out of his pocket, "this is so that those guys can't keep track of your messages.. I am going to find out who took Jason away" Alex said.

"We might know the answer to that already son" Justin said, "I don't think it was Leo" Alex said in a serious ton. "Alex.. He's your dad" Jason said, referring to the fact that Alex just called his father by his name.

"No he's not, I refuse to have an abuser as my father" Alex said and Jason smiled in amusement.

Justin didn't know what to say. Jason glanced at the silver watch around Alex's wrist, "hey! That used to be mine" Jason said as Alex looked down at the watch.

"Really?" "Yeah! I passed it on to Justin as a wedding gift.. Looks better on you though" Jason said as Alex smiled and Justin rolled his eyes playfully.

"Jason should come home with us" Alex said all of a sudden, "uh no.. i don't think Leo would--" "Leo is working dad" Alex cut off, "I know but the butlers like to gossip and I do not want them to say anything around Leo" Justin said.

"I'm sorry Jase, i'd love to have you over but Leo would find out" Justin said, "it's okay.. i understand" Jason smiled softly.

"By the way Alex, thank you for the phone but i can't just come home with a brand new phone" Jason chuckled, "give me yours" Alex said and Jason grabbed his current phone from his pocket. Alex stared at the phone as he smiled and smashed it against the ground, "oh no! your phone!" Alex gasped as Jason and Justin laughed. "Smart" Justin smirked, "make a new iCloud account so that those guys won't be able to look through your old account anymore" Alex said as Jason nodded while staring at the new phone.

"Let's go to the candy store" Alex walked down the maze as Jason watched him. "he's really smart" Jason said as he walked right besides Justin, "I was surprised too" Justin grinned, "Leo used to feel really intimidated by him" Justin said as Jason laughed.

"This might be asking too much but uh.. has Leo ever hit Alex?" Jason asked as Justin bit his lower lip, "once" he answered. "Leo was having an interview with a very high paid business man, Leo was talking about a stock market and Alex couldn't help but walk in and correct Leo, Leo was very embarrassed but the business man was very impressed with Alex and told him 'you should pick up a few facts from this guy' and when he left.. Leo went crazy" Justin shivered at the memory.

"How bad was it?" Jason asked before shooting Alex a quick glance, "he had a really bad bruise on his stomach and a black eye.. luckily Leo hadn't broken any bones" Justin said as Jason bit his lower lip, he didn't want to imagine Leo hitting Alex.

"Looks like we both came in separate cars, how about we just meet there?" Jason asked as Justin nodded and they went on separate cars.


Alex grabbed a basket as he walked around the store, picking out small packets of candy as Jason stood by with his hands in his pockets. "Do you let him buy all this candy?" Jason asked as he raised a brow, "he gets straight A's and likes to help people.. why not?" Justin shrugged as Jason nodded in understanding, he couldn't blame him.

"I want to see you again.. after this" Jason said shyly as Justin smiled, "you can and you can always call me whenever you'd like" he said as Jason licked his lips and pressed his lips against Justin's softly. Justin gasped as Jason grabbed the back of his neck gently and Justin wrapped his arms around Jason's waist as the married couple shared a very heated kiss, Jason's tongue swiping across Justin's as he gasped again, blushing deeply as Jason pulled away and smiled at him.

"My very first porno" Alex said as he walked towards them holding a bag.

Justin blushed, "shut it" he said and glanced at his phone.

"It's getting late.. We should get going, i'll see you soon Jase" Justin said as Jason smiled.

"Bye Jase!" Alex grinned and Jason waved as Alex sat in the car with Justin.

Jason couldn't be anymore happier.


Aww my babies💕

Thanks for reading🌙

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