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Dear, Jason
I did some thinking and decided that it's time for me to leave, I always kind of knew you missed someone else, I didn't want to admit it because I didn't want to lose you but when I saw it happen.. Everything just changed, I couldn't do it anymore. I knew you were trying to break up with me when you and Taylor kissed but I still didn't want to believe it.

I now know that there is someone else that you truly love and i respect that. You don't need to explain yourself but just know that i'll always love you and I'm not mad. -Selena

Jason put the note down as he sighed, staring at the half empty closet as Alex was folding his clothes. "She'll be fine Jason" Alex said, "i know.. I just have this habit of feeling pretty shitty when it comes to hurting people" "she knew what was coming" Alex said.

Jason knew that was true but he couldn't help the feeling.

"I bought us Coffee" Justin said, "dad be careful there's a--" Justin tripped over the cord for the lamp as Jason quickly rushed over to catch Justin. The coffee splattered on the ground as Alex watched the scene happen. "Are you okay?" Jason asked as he held Justin in his arms, tears formed in his eyes as he removed himself from Jason's arms and grabbed napkins.

"I-I'm so sorry! I'll clean it up, please don't hit me" Justin wiped the coffee from the ground. "What? I'm not going to hit you Justin" Jason put his hand on Justin's shoulder as he flinched and Jason frowned.

"Don't worry dad, i'll clean it up just go lay down, okay?" Alex said as Justin nodded and left the room as Jason watched him leave, "Leo used to hit him every time he'd knock something over" Alex said as Jason nodded in understanding.

"I would never hit him" Jason said as Alex bit his lower lip, "I know that" he said.

"Are you sure you're okay with moving?" Jason asked as Alex threw the napkins in the trash bin, "honestly I'm happy because staying here would only remind me of Leo but at the same time I'm going to miss the one friend I had" Alex said with a sigh.

"If you want, we could take you to the mall and you can get her a goodbye gift" Jason said as Alex smiled, "thank you!" he hugged Jason tightly as Jason grinned, holding the boy.

"I love you so much dad."

Jason's eyes widened, "do you guys want a break? We could go get something to eat" Justin said as Alex pulled away, "that sounds great" he grinned as he stood up.
"Do you want to come, Jase?" Justin asked and he nodded before getting up.

Jason couldn't believe that Alex called him 'dad' not that it was a problem, he cares and loves Alex deeply but he had no idea that he felt the same way but Jason was glad and relieved that he did because he always thought of Alex as his own son anyway.

Jason sat on the drivers seat besides Justin as Alex sat in the back, letting out a sigh. Alex didn't mean to call Jason dad, it kind of just slipped out but even though he only knew Jason for a few months, he felt closer to him than he ever did with Leo.

"I'll just have a burger and fries" Alex said as he stood by his dad in line for Burger King. It's been awhile since he's been at a fast food restaurant, Leo always took him to very expensive restaurants with salads and weird soups.

Alex smiled widely at the taste of a burger, he dipped a fry into the pile of ketchup and Justin watched as he smiled.

"Why don't I take you to the mall, eh?" Justin asked as Alex nodded with a wide grin.

"So what's going to happen to Leo?" Jason asked, "it was obvious that Leo was the one that hit Alex and I, his knuckles were bruised and he admitted to the police that he did" Justin snorted, "so there isn't really a need for a trial but we need file a restraining order and Alex wants to get his last name changed" Justin said.

"Alex?" Jason said, "yeah?" "I hear you want your last name changed, have you decided yet?" Jason asked as Alex shrugged. "I had an idea" he said, "um.. Do you want mine?" Jason asked.

Alex's eyes brightened, "really?" "Yeah I mean.. We could be a family" Jason said as Justin blushed at the thought.

Alex nodded with a wide smile, "o-okay!" he said and Justin smiled.

"I'm actually really glad we met.. I know it was rough but at the end, everything turned out just fine" Justin said as Jason nodded with a grin.

"I'm glad I met you too Justin" he said sincerely as Justin smiled, "always remember Jason.. Romance is for losers" Justin laughed as Jason rolled his eyes playfully.

"Then I guess we're the biggest losers here, eh?"


There is still one more chapter people!

Thanks for reading ♥️

QUESTION: Do you guys want my next Jastin story to be sexual or just simply cute? Remember it's a texting series.

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