~Chapter 1 ~

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My name is Dakota Presley. Sooner than I know, I may die from stage 4 cancer. However, I believe in the God Almighty who has promised to heal me. I know you guys might be thinking, "Your in stage 4 cancer! Where's your God at? " But you see, it's a process. God is healing, but it all comes with time. Right now, I am getting dressed for my next appointment. Let's see how that goes!


I am sitting on the hard bed waiting for my doctor, but for some odd reason the nurses keep stalling Already, it has been half an hour since my appointment should have started. Suddenly a sweet brown haired nurse enters my little hospital room, her dark brown eyes turning to me apologetically.

"Miss Presley, we're sorry for the wait, but Dr. Stanley cannot make it due to personal family issues." She shifted slightly on her feet as if nervous about telling me this.

Okay this was no big deal. I could just reschedule I suppose. Not really worried, I simply asked, "When will he be back?"

Clearing her throat, the nurse took a deep breath, before leveling me with a steady gaze. "He will not be returning dear."

My heart stopped. My fidgeting fingers stopped. Everything stopped. I tried to comprehend what she was saying. I couldn't. "What?" my voice is barely a squeak," B - but without him..He is the best doctor there is!" I could feel my voice rising to hysteria. Dr.Stanley was, in my opinion, the one and only doctor for me in the entire state of North Carolina! Panic rising in my chest, I swallow hard trying to push it down with the bile that was suddenly coming up. Was I going to die now? I close my eyes trying to think. Didn't God promise me that he would let me live? I was sure I had heard His voice!

"Trust me," My God's sweet voice suddenly whispered gently to me and immediately my troubled soul responded.

"So what's going to happen? " I said in a calmer tone.

"Well, with your permission, we are going to transfer you to a new oncologist. "

I stare at her for a moment, pondering the startling peace that still now filled me. "Go on," I say, still calm.

"Well there is not much to say honestly. He is amazing. Trust me, you would be in good hands. He will be here in a couple of minutes to meet you."

Heaving a big breath, I simply nod at her. She, seeming satisfied at my agreement, smiles at me. "Wonderful. Just make yourself comfortable and he will be here soon." With that said, she turned and left, quietly closing the heavy door behind her.

I couldn't believe it. What was I going to do?! Then I realize. There was only one thing that could possibly be done. Slipping from the bed, I sink to my knees, hardly noticing the cold hard floor beneath me.

"Father Lord, I pray that whatever happens from here on is in your hands. I pray that I have faith and You remind me that You are going to do amazing things in my life. In the name of Jesus I pray, amen."

I open my eyes and move to brush away a single tear that I hadn't realized was there. I am scared now, but I know that God is faithful. Reaching up to grip the edge of the hard bed with my hands, I am momentarily surprised at how hard it is to pull myself to my feet as well as how bony my hands have become. As I struggle to stand, I glance down at my frail frame and sigh. I am so skinny now! How embarrassing! Then I turn and I see him. Tall, handsome, and smirking at me! I freeze as I take in his straight blonde hair and steel blue eyes. For a moment, I forget to even breath. He is so handsome! Then I see that stupid smirk on his lips and the realization that he is laughing at me hits me hard.

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