Chaper 7 - Life's warmer with you

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It was 10:00 am. Oh my! My alarm didn't go off! Again! I got up and fulfilled my daily morning routine, before heading downstairs. Just as I planted my barefoot on the last step, I groaned as a huge wave of nausea flooded over me. Trying to breathe slowly, I closed my eyes, resting my head on the wall.

"Lord, give me strength." This came in a small whisper, but almost immediately the tumult in my stomach faded and I planted my smile back on my lips. When a beautiful aroma filled my nostrils, I droolingly followed the smell to the kitchen. What on earth could be so heavenly?!

Not able to stop my grin from spreading a bit larger, I slipped into a kitchen chair watching Stephen expertly  flip another chocolate pancake. Thinking again back to what happened yesterday at church, I couldn't help but tease.

"How is my little disciple?"

"Disciple?" He looked at me weirdly.

"A disciple is a follower of Jesus Christ. Like them, we strive to be like Him, but also we look up to all the amazing things He has done for us."

He turned from the stove, brow narrowed together. "Um.. I am sorry Dakota.  I don't mean to be rude or anything, but I would appreciate it if you didn't call me that. I don't know if I have mentioned it before, but I don't believe in God or anything else. Actually, quite the opposite of Christianity... I'm an  atheist."

I'm sure I looked like something similar to a deer staring into headlights. " But..What about yesterday..?  Remember, when you accepted God?" I said, a tear trying to force itself out my eye.

Now Stephen really was staring at me weirdly "Um, I didn't go anywhere yesterday.  You didn't go anywhere for that matter. You slept the entire day! I even slipped in to check your vitals a couple times, but when everything seemed normal, I just let you be. Maybe.. you were dreaming about that because you miss your church? " he said, awkwardly laughing. 

I couldn't hold in my emotions anymore. 

"I'll be back," I  said, speed waking to my room. 

I couldn't believe it. I dreamed the whole thing!

"God, forgive me as I say this, but why? Why would you make me dream this? Why would you put me in this position? I don't think it's fair. I have been so faithful. I try to be the daughter You want me to be but how come You did this to me?  I have stage 4 cancer.  It is so hard for me. I'm  taking pills everyday. Feeling so tired everyday! But yet I still manage to get up and go to church. So, where am I disloyal? I follow your Word. What am I doing wrong?" I started to let everything I was holding in,  out. It felt good to just let God know. Suddenly, my phone was ringing. When Richard's name lit the screen, I answered immediately.

 He hasn't called me in a week! I was so angry at him!

"Hello?" My voice was cold, reflecting my feelings at the moment.

"Babe! I am so sorry I have not called you! It's just work has been so crazy and I haven't gotten a chance to get to you. I want you to know that no matter what I love you and am here if you need anything. I am so sorry! Will you please forgive me? I promise when I get back, I will make it up to you."

"A week. A week is what you told me."

"I know, I know. But they told me to come in for 2 weeks. They really need me babe. I am sorry my love." He said apologetically.

"Babe, i don't know what to do. I miss you and I need you. I am being held in my doctor's home and instead of you taking care of me, he is. I  am sick.. I  have stage 4 cancer babe. There I said it. I wanted to tell you, but it was so hard! When I finally  had the chance, I fainted.  I am sorry, but if you really want to be with me for the rest of my life... at least drop work no matter how crazy it is and come be my side."

"Hey love...I am so sorry! What did you say? My co worker called me.''

At that point, I had no idea what to do. I froze. 

"I'm done.  We are finished."

I ended the phone call and started crying.

"Lord, for some reason I only want to come to You in this moment. Give me strength. Forbid me to doubt you. When I do, help me think about all the good things You have done. I love you God. You are the closest thing I have. Heal me from this aching heart." I started to cry even more, holding onto my blankets as hard as I could.

I cuddled in my bed for 2 hours, until I heard a knock on my door.

"What?" I said, very low.

"Hey ..I am a little worried.. You have been in your bed for 2 hours and it's not good for you."

"Please.. just let me be."

"Hey, I am sorry.  Listen I don't know what's really going on, but I feel like you're not okay. If you want to talk about it,  I am one doorstep away? If you just want someone to tell you its okay then..'' I cut him off when I opened the door.

I saw him with a bed tray with 2 glasses filled with orange juice and chocolate pancakes and sides with strawberry that had nutella on top and eggs and bacon. With a rose on the side.

I was stunned. 

"Then I will be here to tell you it's okay and it will get better." He said with a warm smile. His eyes began to glow and his smile never looked so perfect. 

Oh man! My heart began to beat fast again. 

I smiled. "Thank you, come on in." What? i just completely invited him into my room without me thinking twice.

"Netflix?" he said while he was laying out everything.

I giggled.

"Fine if we do though, we have to watch my show!"

"And what's that?'"

"Pretty little liars"  I smirked. 

"Fine." he said laughing.

Honestly, he made me forgot how angry or moody I was. For some reason, it felt nice just being with him. 

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