Chapter 6 - Will you give your heart to Him?

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Groaning a little, I squinted my eyes as the light from my window shone into them. Wait a minute? Light? Oh fiddle sticks! Shooting up in bed, I glared at my alarm clock. Of course it wouldn't go off on the one day of the week I needed it too! I hated being late to church more than anything!  So, I decided rather than being late, I would settle for running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Throw on my clothes, put on my shoes, run a brush through my knotted hair, before piling it on my head in a huge bun. Have I ever mentioned how thankful I am to still have hair? IT was all in the middle of this madness that a soft knock vibrated on the other side of the door.

"Yeah! Come on in!" I almost jabbed myself in the eye as worked swiftly at applying my mascara.  The door creaked open and Dr. Gray's blond head peaked in sheepishly.

"Hey oh... um.. if I may ask. Are you going somewhere?''

"Its Sunday! Where do you think I am going?'' I screwed the lid back on my mascara before grabbing the blush. I was probably being rude, but I just didn't have time to really stop!

"The ... garage sale? Because if you are, I have a friend down the street...'' His sentence was cut short when I chuckled.

'' I am going to church Stephen,'' I said with a grin as I looked directly into his eyes. I must say he seemed rather stunned before a really weird expression clouded his face.


"Yeah church. It's where you go and worship the Lord."

"And you believe in God?'' Skepticism rang in his tone, but I answered easily despite that.

''I Do.''

"Why? I mean, like, don't get upset at me but you have cancer. ...Isn't he supposed to be a Healer?  AND  if He existed, maybe my mother would still be alive." His country accent kind of came out as he spoke, though it was weighed down with pain. Suddenly, I could understand where all of this was coming from, and in turn,  what he said didn't bother me in any way.

I kept my voice quiet and reassuring as I answered his painful question. "I believe in God. I believe that everything is a process. Some die and that is not in my hands to question. We all do at some point. But also, I am not convinced that He isn't going to heal me.  I mean, I have stage 4 cancer, but I am still alive! It was very unfortunate that your mother's time had come and in that sort of way. But even that... what if God wanted to take her ... just to take away the suffering and the hurting she was going through? God is in the middle of healing me and I believe it. I can't explain it, why I feel so strongly that He is. But I do and through faith, I am going to keep believing it! The impossible is possible. And I am sure as a doctor, you should believe that.'' 

He stayed quiet, his expression hiding his thoughts.

"I think you should come to church with me."

"Why is that?'' he asked, looking at me like I was insane.

''Well..." I racked my brain for an answer. I had no idea why I had blurted that out! "What if i faint or..'' My voice trailed off as I dapped my lips with lipstick.

''Wait for me and I'll get changed. Don't go anywhere without me!" He zoomed out like a flash.

A quick glance in the mirror revealed my smirk. He was a true doctor indeed! However my amusement didn't last long when 20 minutes later I was sitting on the couch in the living room tapping my feet in irritation.

"STEPHEN!" I yelled, "Hurry up! We are going to be late!"

"I'm here!'' I heard his clad feet pounding down the stairwell before a very dashing Dr. Gray came into view. Taking only a second to take in his man curves outlined by his dark gray suit, I blinked rapidly and coughed. Don't blame me guy! He was hot! Yet, I tried to mask it by giving a casual compliment.

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