Surprise at the door?

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"Are you coming down for dinner?" Stephen yelled out.

"Yeah, I am coming! One sec!" I said while combing my naughty hair. 

Finally managing to tame it into something decent, I patted my lips with some chap stick before hurrying down the stairs.

"Mmm! It smells good in here! What are we cooking!!?" I was so hungry.

" I am cooking  some spaghetti and meatballs. Smells delicious huh?" He lifted a spoon dripping in red sauce to his lips, wincing a little as it scalded him.

"Whatever." I laughed slightly and rolled my eyes at him.

My phone started to ring and one glance at the screen made my heart stop. It was Richard.  When Stephen saw the look on my face, I shot him a smile just so he wouldn't suspect anything. But he knew deep down something wasn't right.

I sat and looked at Stephen go back and forth organizing the table. As i was observing him, there would be these sneaky thoughts making there way into my head. Stuff like.. if i like him..I mean, he is a great person  but.. theirs no way.. Is there...?

"No.." I said chuckling.

Stephen looked at me curiously. 

"No..what?'' he looked at me with those big crystal blue eyes of his. 

"Nothing haha!" I said reaching out to his hand. I paused.

Stephen and I looked directly at both of our hands touching. I felt.. an electricity. My heart started to pump faster than normal, and it felt ..right?

"Uhum" Stephen said,  breaking the silence and he moved his hand quickly. 

"Ready to eat?" He said trying to push out what just happend.

Yes, I am starving!"

We sat there and ate quietly. No one said anything but only silence took over. I didn't know what to say. But for a second, i thought why do i feel this way? I mean every time i was with Richard he never made my heart skip a beat. I never felt this way! There was a voice in the back of my head that would scream out "Love!"

"Are..You done with your dinner?" He said nervously.

"Yes. Its okay ill wash the dishes."

"You sure..? I can do them its totally fine."

"I want to do them! I insist." I said chuckling.

We both got up and he passed down the plate until i tripped over something on the floor and he caught me quickly.

Both of our eyes locked together. His eyes never look so darn gorgeous! His blue eyes were glowing and when I looked at him, I felt like.. it is hard to explain. Its like whatever am battling with, or whatever is going on with me, looking into his eyes.. It just didn't matter anymore. Looking at him, it felt different. It's not the same as what I felt with Richard. It felt like so much  more then that. Him holding me in his arms, Stephen looking only at me directly, felt right. It kinda felt like... I was in love?

He helped me back up. 

My ancle bent over a bit. I started to feel the throbbing pain.

"Aw man are you okay?" He asked as he helped me sit down on the chair. 

"Am going to get something to wrap your foot in." He said placing my foot gently on the ground. He left.

Someone knocked on the door. 

"I wonder who it is?" I said, whispering to myself. 

I got up, limping i went to  open the door and all you see is a tall beautiful woman. She looked around her late 20's. She had  blond hair and  dark hazel eyes, she looked like a model.  

"Hi, may I help you?" I said kindly.

"Who are you?" She said while she moved me out of the way.

"I am sorry, but you don't just barge in to someone's house. Get out or I will call the police!"

"Honey, what will the police do?" she said laughing. 

"Bianca.." Stephen's eyes widened as he came down the stairs.

"Hey honey, oh I missed you so!!" she said running to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. 

"Again, who are you?" I said with a bit of anger.

"Bianca Gray."

I still looked at her curiously; Was her name suppose to mean something??

"Oh honey, am Stephens wife." She smirked at me.

HEllO EVERYONE! i am so sorry i have not been updating! But i promise to be on track again and give you the best chapters!!


xoxoxo - Ashley:)

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