Chapter 4~ Doctor Watch?

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I woke up in a hospital bed wondering what was going on. As a heavy feeling of exhaustion swept over me, I turned my head to see Richard's blond head leaning over the side of my bed, both of his large hands clamped around my smaller one. I couldn't help but smile gently as I realized he was praying. I flexed my fingers slightly causing him to yank his head up and look at me with big worried eyes.

"You're awake! Praise God!" He breathed, squeezing my hand even tighter.

Smiling a little still to ease his worry, I couldn't quite manage to conceal my confusion. "What happened? "

"You fainted.. " Letting go of one hand, he instead  smoothed my hair away from my forehead, his stroke gentle.  "Your doctor is at another hospital, so it's going to be a while until he gets here. "

Sit here at the hospital? No thanks! So, I gathered my strength that was already starting to return. "Well, we don't have to wait. I'm already starting to feel better... so let's just go home " I started to sit up which was a big mistake as my head began to throb instantly.

"Hey hey,  relax.  Your not going anywhere!" He said in a soothing tone while gently pushing me back in my bed.

I rolled my eyes.  I hate being in the hospital.  I just really wanted to leave! Suddenly the room was filled with a shrill sound as his phone rang, sending waves of shock into my brain that was already pounding. I tried to hide it as Richard smiled at me in question.

"It's okay,  go get it. " I said. Even though I really wanted him to ignore it. Like, what's more important then me in this bed right now?..

"You're amazing Dakota. Thanks." With that he sprung from my bedside and stepped out of the room. I heard a faint hello before he closed the hospital door.

After a very large amount of time had passed, he finally returned. However, this time, he looked upset.  He once again took his seat beside me and I once again allowed my hand to be swallowed up in his.

"What's wrong?" I asked, concern filling me.

"Bad news. "

"What...? "

"That was my boss and he wants me to leave for Europe for an entire week!  It's really important. Supposedly some one is trying to take down my company, so I really need to make this meeting.  But...if you want me to say no about going ... I will..... "

I didn't want him to leave me. Are you kidding?! Now that I have been lying here so long, I also remembered that he had just proposed! I sighed inwardly, biting my lip as the desire to be selfish soared through me. Yet... I knew how much this company meant to him... Knowing that I was making the right choice, I fought my tears and nodded a little.  "Go,  I know how much this means to you. "

"Are you sure? " He gave me the sweetest look then, and I saw his struggle in his green eyes.

"Go." I forced finality in my voice.

"Okay...but the thing is.....  I have to leave in 2 hours. "

"So soon? "

Regret flashed on his face."I am so sorry Babe..I really don't have to go. ."

"No! no!no!  It's fine.  Go do what you have to do." I am such a liar, "After all,  it's just a week. "

He smiled. "I'll be praying for you. You know I love you, right?

I nod but mentally I am wondering if he really does? Does love run off and leave you alone in a hospital? Does Love require the one you care about to hide their pain at your actions? I closed my eyes as he leaned in to kiss me softly on the cheek, before whispering his goodbye and leaving.

Not able to push away the few tears that escaped my eyes, I slowly felt myself drifting off into slumber land...


Noise. Argh! I wish it would go away!! But it doesn't. It just continues, pulling at me to come to my senses and wake up.  Slowly opening my eyes, I turn my head to the sound to see my new doctor sitting there looking of his charts and behind  him a nurse busy working at something. She was the guilty of all the racket!

As if sensing my gaze, Dr. Gray instantly looked up, a smile on his lips. "Well good afternoon Sunshine!" He says to me cheerily. A little too cheerfully if  you ask me.

Regardless, I could feel some of the irritation seeping away. My head was feeling much better as well!

"Hey," I said softly as he bore his blue eyes into mine. I had forgotten how absolutely stunning they were!

"So I hear you fainted? Is that true? " He asked, his features still friendly, yet his gaze serious.


"Did you feel symptoms before you fainted?  Like dizziness, light headed, fever, rashes? Anything?"

I thought hard for a moment. "I did feel dizzy and my vision went blurry occasionally.  I also experienced some light headedness, but I didn't do anything because they would come and go I tried not to make too much of it...."

"Dakota.." Dr. Gray's voice was stern when he said my name. " You need to call me when that happens. All of this tells me that you can't be alone. I would like to  put you in our new program called Doctor Watch."

I frowned at him. Wait? What? "What is Doctor Watch?" I asked skeptically.

"Doctor watch is a new program the clinic is  providing for patients that are receiving bad care at home or for the patient that is getting steadily worse. Only a few get selected and I would like you to be one of them. Basically,  they come to live in a home with the Doctor so that they can receive constant care without being in a hospital per say. It is an experiment in the making as of right now, but I think you would be perfect for it."

I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "I do not need a babysitter! I am 25 years old and I do have good care! Thank you very much! "

"Good care? Who do you live with? "

I flushed with embarrassment at his question. "Does that really matter?  I am fine at home. BY MYSELF!"

Dr. Gray once again starred at me with those eyes. Darn those eyes...."Dakota,  your getting worse.  And in order to treat you, I really need to have you in my watch.  Please.  I will give you a nice big room and you will feel right at home.  So let me not have the regret of not doing my best to care for you.  So please, let me do this. " his eyes started to tear a bit. Behind the tears, I could see the very depths of his feelings over this matter.

I sighed slightly.. What was I doing? "Fine. On one condition! "

"What's that? " He raised a skeptical brow at me, wondering at my request.

"Netflix...I need Netflix!"

"You got it!  So ... is that a yes?" He asked an excited smile hiding behind his questioning face.

I hesitated. Was I for sure about this? What would Richard say!?! Part of me didn't care since he took off to Europe without so much of a second thought. Not really. I also wondered why God had taken my previous doctor. Was it so that I could join this program? Was this what would spare my life?  Still a little scared, but feeling a touch excited at the newness of my situation, I just give one simple nod.

"Yes. It's a yes."

When his face broke out into a huge smile, I strangely felt like I had done something amazing. "That's wonderful! The nurse will get you your paper work and I will get everything finished on my end."

I nod again. "So....when do I move in?" I grin sheepishly.

Hey guys!! Guys.. Things are going to get pretty hectic for these chapters!  Sttay tuned! Love yall❤

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