Chapter 5 - Racing Heart

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"101 park street?" My hands flew over the keys of my smart phone. Within just a second, my it vibrated, signalling a response and I grinned, mentally noting what a fast texter my new doctor was.

"Yes, the house is big and its gray" I murmured the words aloud, before looking up to view my surrounding a little better. Whew! This sure was a wealthy looking neighbor hood! As I rounded a corner my eyes landed on probably the most beautiful house I had ever seen. Still gaping, I parked before I walked up the stone walkway. Of course I would nearly trip over  my own two feet as I stared in wonder.  Did he live here alone?!

"Hey there," His rich voice jerked my wondering eyes to his gorgeous blue ones and I smiled in return as he strode towards me from the front porch. Gracious his smile was stunning. Mentally shaking myself and realizing that I was now gaping at him, I tried my best to mumble some kind of greeting in return.

"You are very prompt," He smiled once more at me as he reached for my bag that I was pulling behind me, "Right on time!"

I grinned a little trying hard to ease my tension. "And you are very rich!" I joked, earning a chuckle from him.

"Think so huh?"

I followed him towards the porch and I admit to being touched by his kindness as he not only lugged my suitcase up the steps but also opened the door for me.  He was being so very sweet at  the moment!

"So this is your home huh.." My eyes took in the luxurious surroundings.

"Yup! do you like it?' He asked, suddenly looking like a four year old trying to get  approval.

"Yeah, but how come you live all by yourself in such a big house? Don't you get scared living alone in such a big house?''

"Don't you live alone?" He pinned me with his gaze.

"Point made!" I said laughing. 

"Well, lets get your stuff settled in and then I could cook one of my most famous recipes," He said smiling.

"Hmm.. okay." 

We started to head down a hall when suddenly, ...I swear I did not see that dang cord... I tripped. It was all slow motion like too. Falling, falling, falling... then I rammed into one very hard chest and found myself wrapped in my docs arms. Call me equally crazy, but  it felt right. I really can't explain it, but suddenly I didn't want to be anywhere else and my racing heart...ah curse it all. I know he could feel it pumping 10,000 times faster. My mind trying  to remember that I was actually committed to someone, I desperately tried to swallow my feelings that were so ...different... I had never felt this way when Richard touched me! Our gazes were locked, and somehow, I managed to break the contact and pull away. Not before noting his cheeks were equally red as mine..Well that made me feel better!

" You should be more careful" he said awkwardly.  Really awkwardly!

I flushed a little..."Sorry... hehe.." Ugh! So embarrassed! Then I realized in horror that he had thrown my suitcase to the side to catch me.

"Oh my goodness!" Panic seized me as I knelt beside it. Flinging it open, I fumbled through the few clothes not really caring that he was watching until I found my most precious possession. My Father's small wooden nativity scene that he had hand carved himself. I couldn't quite stop the tear that escaped when I saw that Josephs hand had broken off with the long thin staff split at the end. A small sob escaped me then as the pain hit fresh.

"Hey hey whats wrong? He worriedly knelt beside me.

"That's my father's...He made it for me.."

"Oh...I am sorry.. I was so worried about you getting hurt. Could he carve you another?"

"You don't understand ..." I let my tear filled eyes lift to his confused ones.

Then understanding dawned on his features and he softened considerably. "He died didn't he?" He asked softly and his kindness was my undoing. My shoulders shook with tears that I didn't realize I had kept buried until now. My hurt and pain poured from me in heart wrenching sobs. I didn't care at the moment that I was crying in front of a man that I didn't know. I just hurt. I also didn't mind the fact that his arms went around me again. Though, when I felt a soft kiss being planted on my head, I was beginning to wonder if I were hallucinating.

"Its okay.. It will get better."


I was taking a nice warm shower, still trying to process what happened today. My stupid heart...just the thought of his kiss on my head made it race.

Why was I feeling this way...

Once done, I just slipped on a Gray sleeve shirt with some ripped jeans and put a little bit of makeup. Walking slowly down the stairs, I followed the smell of food where I  saw him cooking up the storm. I stode there for a moment, taking in his blond hair that fell forward and trying not to grin at his adorable apron he had doned. He finally noticed me.


"Hey there" I said smiling right back. "So.. what's this famous recipe?'

"Macaroni and cheese"he said smiling. 

Startled, I stared at him a moment, noting his quirking lips. Realizing the joke, I quirked. "Wow that's a real hard dish to make sure you got this?'' 

"I got this." 

We both started laughing.

"Hey... by the way about today, I am so sorry. I was totally over reacting."

"Nah" He said poring the food onto the bowls. "You were just being human." He shot a smile at me. 

I smiled back.

He set the food on the table. Soon I was enjoying the cheesy dish, until My favorite country romantic song came up, making me pause my fork.

"I love this song..." He murmured, making me shoot a surprised look at him. He seemed thoughtful a moment before grinning ear to ear at me, his expression brightening.

"Hey do you wanna dance? If you don't I totally get it... its pretty weird.."

"I would love too" I shooting him a heart warming smile. I mean it was just a dance. Not that I was wanting to be in his arms again...right?

He drew me into his arms then, one hand resting on my waist. Soon we were spinning and when he dropped me into a dip, I couldn't stop the giggle that escaped.

He spinned me around and dipped me.  And i giggled.  Then as he pulled me back up our gazes met and held and suddenly this moment became a very precious time to me. It was as if the whole world around us vanished. ..until he stepped back from me with a soft smile.

" Its getting late. You should get to bed."

I then realized how tired I was. "You sure? You don't need help with dishes?''

"No its fine, go get some sleep. You need it." 


As i got ready for bed, all I could just do was sit there and smile about the whole night.

Hello everybody!  So sorry for the long wait!  We hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter! So I wonder what's gonna happen next chapter? Just kidding I know what's gonna happen! Lol..  No not funny..  Okay.  We'll for our fans out there if you read this chapter why don't you write down what you think is going to happen next chapter!  Would love to hear ya out!  Until next time love you guys!  ~Ashley & Ariel

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