Chapter 3 ~ The Date night

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Tonight was the night! I was super nervous but I had to get it off my chest. No backing down! Before I left, I took my pills, but for some odd reason, I felt a little dizzy and light headed... This came and went often. Convincing myself I was okay, I added a dab of chapstick and combed my fingers through my brown curls, separating them slightly. I glanced down at the lace red dress I was wearing; I was stunning I knew. No, I'm not being vain; It's called honesty! Finally, I donned my black heels and sped out the door.


"Hey Rich," standing on my tip toes, I planted a soft kiss of Richard's cheek, noticing how smooth it was from obviously just shaving.

"Hey babe! Come on in! " he smiled charmingly down at me, before motioning for my coat. Turning around, I allowed him to help me slip it from my shoulders.

"Always the gentleman," I thought, my heart warming to him as it usually did.

"Right this way, my lady!" He gallantly bowed at the waist in an exaggerated motion before offering me his elbow.

I laughed at his humor. Well this was a change! I took his arm, allowing him to lead me into the adjoining room, before a gasp escaped me. Eyes widening in complete surprise, I starred at the red roses that were scattered over his wooden floor. A path leading off the way was lit by small tea light candles, their little flames flickering and dancing in the dimly lit room. Feeling my heart skip a beat, I tried to process what this all meant. Could it be that this night was going to be about us for once?

"Follow me, " He gently took my hand leading me to the table in the middle of the room. I reached out to gently finger the starch white cloth that covered it, before leaning in to smell the red roses that sat becomingly as a center piece.

"My favorite roses!" I smiled a bit teary eyed at Richard. I could hardly believe he did all this for me! Then I saw what definitely became my most cherished final touch, for pictures of us were taped all over the walls, our smiling faces surrounding us.

"This is just beautiful," I breathed, turning my gaze to him again. Taking a tiny hesitant step forward, I once again placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. "Times like this I think I do love you..." My voice was soft, almost a whisper from the emotions of the moment.

His green eyes turning serious, they glowed at me. " I know I love you."

I blinked, not knowing exactly what to say. I was touched to say the least.

"Here, have a seat," Pulling out my chair for me, he motioned with his hand for me to sit, so I did. He slid it gently under me.

"Thank you."

"Now just wait here. I will be back." His smiling voice was confident which is something I always liked about him. His confidence.

Disappearing into the kitchen, he soon reappeared, holding a bottle of red mascato in one hand and two wine glasses in the other.

"Why don't you do the honors," He set the bottle in front of me, making me smile slightly.

"Okay...." I gave him a funny look before glancing back down at the wine. For the second time in a ten minute period, I gasped. There nestled atop of the beverage, sat a gold ring. The single, tiny diamond it carried sparkled at me as I felt my body freeze. My surprise only grew, when I heard his chair scrape across the floor and suddenly, I found him kneeling at my side. I am pretty sure my mouth was agape in a very unbecoming manner.

Richard smiled softly at me and for the first time ever, I felt I saw his true feelings reflecting in his green orbs. They shone with love and adoration.

"Dakota Presley," His voice was gentle as he spoke. I tried desperately to grasp at what was happening. " From the moment I laid eyes on you, I have loved you. I want you to be in my life forever. You are my best friend, but I want more than that. Would you be the mother of my children? More importantly, will you become my wife? "

I wanted to say something. I opened my mouth to respond but no sound came out. In desperation, I fought the dizziness that suddenly washed over me but I couldn't. As an intense headache hits me, I vaguely become aware of Richard's voice, before it completely disappeared. Darkness slowly surrounds me and I feel myself falling. His arms were the last thing I remember.

Hey guys it's Ariel and Ashley! We're so sorry for the late update, but to make it up to you guys we're going to have a new chapter up Friday at 8pm so don't miss out! We love you guys and hope you enjoy!! ❤❤

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