Betrayed, Hurt, Broken.

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Stephens POV

Dakota excused herself out the room and left me and Bianca by ourselves.

I grabbed Bianca by her arm tightly,  looking firmly into her eyes.  

"Why are you here? I told you i never wanted to see you again, so in advance make your way out the door." I said sounding ruthless.

-Bianca starts laughing-

"You are so killing it with the jokes right now! Am not leaving though. This house, is still under my name..  Mr.gray." She said ferociously. 

I huffed. Getting tired of her savageness. I lost it. 

"Maybe i didn't make myself clear enough. I Want you OUT!  Your name is not on this house, i cleared it. Your a wicked person with no feelings. Your disgusting and i hate you with my whole heart! So its best if you leave now before i call the police." I didn't want to do this, but she pushed my buttons. If only you knew what she was really capable of.. 

"Alright. I understand, ill leave." She said sounding delicate.

"Good" I said while escorting her out.

"Hey steph, one more thing" she said.

"Whats that" i said carelessly.

"I still love you. You know that i go after what i want, and what i want is you. I understand you feel horrible and disgusted by me and your brother. But we did it for your benefit and i hope you could understand that." She said apologetically, her eyes starting to tear up. 

"After your mother died, the business started to go down because you were grieving. I needed to do something.. Steph please understand.." She put her hand on my chest.

I grabbed her arm and moved it away.

"You went behind my back, gave 50% shares to my brother and you lied and told the boared that i was being reckless with money and didn't care about the business anymore. If anything.. I want you out of my life. NOW!"

I slammed the door.

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