Chapter 9

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"Glad to see you finely with someone, Phil," PJ commented happily, bumping my shoulder playfully.

"Glad to finely have someone, PJ," I replied, rubbing a thumb over Dan's knuckle.

"Two cute guys make one cute couple," Chris chimed in, Dan smiled at that.

"Can we stop talking about me and Dan now?"

"I kinda want to watch you two make out."


"I don't know, just a compelling urge."

Dan laughed and I looked at the ground, not completely sure how to answer. For some reason, Chris always put me in that sorta situation.

"We should ride the London Eye," PJ suggested, filling in the silence. Dan's hand gripped slightly tighter but he had a small smile still on his lips.

"I second that, Phil, Dan, are you guys up for it?"

"Of course!" Dan squeaked out.

"We'll let you two ride alone," Pj smiled, getting in line.

"Oh, we don't mind," I replied back quickly, seeing there's no point when me and Dan aren't even actually dating.

"Don't worry about it, me and Chris will be fine on our own."

After about an hour of mindless banter with Chris and Pj, Dan adding to it occasionally, we made it to the front of the line and Chris and Pj were boarding the Ferris wheel.

Dan let out a shaky breath as we got on our own little glass chamber. "I hate heights," he admitted quietly, looking around. I chuckled lightly.

"You'll be fine."

"I might vomit."

I paused, "Can you scoot over a little."

Dan laughed, "I'm kidding," he smiled, I stared at him for a moment, taking in his beautiful smile. It was so genuine and nice looking on his face.

"Do you need a hug?" I asked in a fake sympathetic voice. Dan punched my shoulder lightly.

"Fuck off."

These are fillers leading up to like the actual part you know

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