Chapter 15

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"I win!" Dan threw his hands up, a wide smile on his face. Phil suddenly had the urge to poke his dimple but kept his hands to himself, laughing along with Dan.

"Rematch!" Phil challenged, picking his wii remote back up, sending a glare to the 1st place sign in the corner of Dan's screen while Mario celebrated with Dan.

"Not until you take your punishment," Dan replied, pointing to the jelly beans on the table. Phil sighed, it was he agreement. The loser of Mario kart had to eat a jelly bean, whether it was one of the good ones or one of the bad ones was up to fate. Phil reached into the cup of them, swirling them around with his finger until he fished one out.


That means it could tether be dog food or chocolate pudding. Phil threw it into his mouth and the moment his teeth broke into it he knew he had made a grave mistake. He bolted out of he room to the bathroom to spit it out and wash out his mouth, it smelt and tasted of wet dog food and it was disgusting. "Can I borrow a toothbrush?" Phil called out, not caring who's it was.

"Sure, use whatever," Dan called back between laughter. Phil did just that and brushed out the taste until he felt less disgusting. He walked back up the living room, falling back onto the couch.

"If I get another brown one I'm committing," Phil mumbled, pouting.

Dan continued laughing hysterically, "I could smell it," he replied, "up for another round?"

Phil sat down, staring at the jelly beans, "not really," he replied, Dan turned off the game and leaned back against his tv.

Then what do you want to do?" He shrugged, "I should go home."

"Oh, do I bore you that much?" Dan joked. Phil shook his head with a faint smile.

"Nope but I have to feed my cat."

"Aren't you allergic to cats?"


"Uh, okay."

"If you really want to, you can come with me," Phil replied, grabbing his jacket. Dan looked around st him empty apartment, sighing and standing up.

"Maybe I will then," he slipped on some shoes and a coat and followed Phil out.

"I'm tired of this weather," Phil commented, shivering, under his grey jacket.

"Same here," Dan replied, tilting his head back to look at the always cloudy sky, burying his hands deeper into his pockets.

Phil bumped into Dan lightly as they walked, throwing him a smile as he did, "so Dan, when'd you figure out you were gay?"

Dan shrugged, "we went from weather to a more serious topic I see," Dan teased, "when I was twelve I found gay porn and I was like, 'yeah I can work with this.' But I don't think I fully understood it was gay? Anyway, as I got older I began getting crushes on other guys like an assistant teacher, a boy in my grade, and this jock kid a few years older than me. Then I got a boyfriend and I was like 'I think I'm gay.'" Dan smiled at the thought, "how about you?"

"I've just always knew," Phil closed his eyes momentarily, "my parents always knew too, I don't know how to describe it, as long as I've known I've been gay."

Dan nodded, walking up to Phil's apartment as Phil unlocked the door. His was much bigger and nicer than Dan's, but Dan's always felt more cozy and welcome.

An orange cat came out from under the grand piano and Phil smiled, "Buffy!" He greeted happily as the cat rubbed up against Phil's black jeans, leaving orange hair sticking to them. Phil bent down, rubbing a large hand against her gently.

"Buffy?" Dan commented, crouching down to let the cat walk over to him.

"Yeah, like the vampire slayer," Phil shrugged lightly, going to get cat food.

Dan followed shortly after, leaning in the kitchen doorway as Phil scooped it into the small blue bowl.

"Do you want to," Phil paused, thinking of how to say it casually, "spend the night? I have a PS4 we can play."

"I'd love to," Dan replied with a small smile.

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