Chapter 19

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Philly boy POV

I paced the room before grabbing Dan's clothes he had brought and headed to his house. Why hadn't he mentioned his boyfriend? I began picking up the pace out of slight irritation. Why had he even accepted the job?

A wind blew my fringe into my face and I sighed, pushing it out. We were supposed to brake up soon anyway, so I guess this worked out, though I was hoping me and dan could at least be friends after all this, but now I wasn't so sure.

Dan's apartment was close so I got there pretty quickly. I hesitated before knocking. There was a silence on the other end before it slowly unclicked and only Dan's head appeared.

"Hey," I said in a soft voice, not really sure how to approach the subject, a blush was creeping to cover Dan's cheeks and he moved quickly to cover his neck, lined with dark hickeys of purple in red, I made a soft sighing noise.

Dan looked at me with wide brown eyes, there was a look in them I couldn't distinguish from guilt or sadness. "My clothes," he spoke, looking down at what was in my hand, I nodded and held them up for him to take, he looked back at me.

"So, do you want me to like, stop texting you and all that?" I asked, Dan shook his hand, the door opening more to reveal his torso, also covered with dark hickeys and scratches. I kept eye contact as Dan looked at me with plead.

"Please don't," he said before looking behind him to where I knew the bedroom was located, sighing, and grabbing a jacket to put on over himself before stepping out. He wore blue boxers, a jacket, and an expression of regret, "I'm so sorry," he began he took a step towards me and I took a step back.

"It was fake dating but you let me kiss you," I replied, in confusion, Dan nodded, his lips were twitching to a frown but he was attempting to keep the neutral.

"I know, I'm not in a good situation right now," he replied with shaky words, he was beginning to shake and looked very nervous, I paused and tilted my head to the side.

"You put yourself in it," I replied cooly, he nodded reluctantly.

"I know, but Phil, I like you."

"You have a boyfriend, Dan," I replied, moving more away from him. He began to cry. I froze watching the tears fall down his face, "are- are you okay?" Dan nodded, hand fumbling for the doorknob quickly.

He finely opened it and I grabbed his wrist, stopping him from going inside, holding his wrist, I could tell how much he was shaking, body racking in sobs. I watched him before opening my mouth, "I'm coming in," I told him, his eyes darting to the place I held his wrist to my eyes before nodding and slipping into the door.

Clothes were scattered around the room and I cringed, knowing what they were from. Dan collapsed onto the couch, unzipping his jacket. I watched him from across the room. He was running gently fingers over where there were marks before taking a deep breath and looking up at me.

"He's paying for my mom," he said quietly, blinking big eyes.

I tilted my head to the side and sat down, "I thought I was doing that?" He nodded.

"I'm saving up your money so I won't need his money any more and I could break up with him," dan replied, grabbing a blanket to slip around himself as he wiped away tears.

"Why did he pay you?" I asked, Dan was hired to be my fake boyfriend, but, "what did you do for him?"

Dan looked away and the hickeys clicked in my mind, I made a soft 'oh' and sighed. "I can't go to work," Dan said quietly, a large hand moving to his neck, "No one wants to see me like this, I feel so dirty."

"I'll- uh- give you more money?"


"But what are you going to do then?" Dan shrugged, pulling the blanket tighter around him.

"Nothing, its going to continue until she dies, this is for the best."

"The best for who? You? Because it doesn't seem like it," I replied, Dan gestured for me to sit next to him. I got up and sat, he put his arms around me gently. I could feel his warmth radiating off of me as he put his face up loser to mine.

"You have to understand why I'm doing this," he said quietly. But I didn't, he was letting someone take advantage of him for money. I kinda did, but sex was different.

"It's not my life," I said quietly, "but if it was, this wouldn't be the choice I made."

"You're right," he replied, kissing me, "it isn't yours."

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